
Dear So and So...

Dear Midge,

I'm very proud of you right now. Before school started you became anxious about going off but the day came and you just walked into your new class with a big smile on your face. In that moment I took you all in. How tall you have become, how your uniform makes you look so smart and grown up, how when we left I didn't help you with anything, not even brushing your hair. You've become so independent. You still love school and that makes me happy because I always loved school too. I got more emotional leaving you last week than I did your brother, I think everything hit me all at once.
Love you, Midgy Moo xxx

Dear Roo Bear,

You requested a new name because you are no longer my 'little boy' but are in fact my 'big boy' now. Ouch. You have also started school and I am so, so proud of you. I know you're still throwing a hissy fit when you're pulled away from the world you immerse yourself in but I also know that you're getting better and that you love school. It was very strange being without you last week and although I am used to it already, I still miss you very much when I pass Costa or the train station or the library before lunch.
Love you my 'big' boy xxx

Dear Autumn,

I'm so pleased you have arrived! You are by far my favourite season and I get all excited for my birthday and the hot chocolates, the duvet on the sofa at night, the crispy, beautiful leaves and so much more. I just love it!

Dear Readers,

Thank you as always for stopping by. I've stopped checking my stats and what not so I have no idea if many of you exist but if you are here, "hello! Thank you for reading!" I'm entering that phase with the children at school and wondering what drivel I can write on here now! Let me know if you ever want to see something from me!

Cupcake Mumma x


  1. Hello, I'm here reading! A lovely letter. I'm glad they're both settling in well and you're getting used to your new routines, too xx

    1. Thank you Jocelyn, lovely to know you're still browsing my rambles! Yes, all getting there with the new routines thankfully! Hope you are too xx

  2. Oh you have made Autumn sound DELIGHTFUL - I will stop feeling gutted Summer is over.
    L xxx

    1. Thank you Liska, do embrace Autumn, it can be so lovely! xx

  3. I'm loving autumn too - putting on comfy clothes that suit me, great that the kids have settled into school as well x

  4. I do love the way your make autumn sound, i love all the different coloured leaves and the reflection on the lake. Mich x

  5. Lovely post. I love autumn too, it's definitely a great time of year, and a good time to have a birthday too!
