
I'm Luna Lovegood!

I came across a competition on The Adventures of a Potty Mouthed Mum yesterday and it was a Harry Potter comp. I got all ready to do my usual rafflecopter business when I scrolled down to find that on this occasion I was going to have be very creative if I wanted to win the prize of a fabulous Harry Potter book set!

If you know me you'll know my love for Harry Potter. I've got the films,I've of course got the books, I've visited the studio tours and loved it and am going to see it again this year (in the snow!!) I have PJ bottoms, tops, socks and tracksuit bottoms to badges, pencils, notebooks and even a damn mug I LOVE IT.

So here is my entry into the above mentioned competition. I've gone with some leggings and a skirt I think Luna would be okay with, a black cardigan with Ravenclaw (kind of) stuck on it, some round earrings which are almost like her rather individual Dirigible Plum Earrings in the film and I've added my pink converse, Quibbler and Spectrespects for that finishing touch! All of this put together with random clothes and a printer!

Wish me luck!


Cupcake Mumma

*Update!* I won this competition! As a massive Harry Potter fan I'm obviously over the moon. Thanks to Adventures of a Potty Mouthed Mum for hosting this fab comp and I really, really can't wait to receive my Harry Potter Book Collection from The Book People! 


  1. I adore this, fab costume!! x

  2. Ha ha! You should definitely win with this outfit! It's brilliant!

  3. Oh well done, go you. And did I see right on FB that you won???? I am a huge HP fan too. Have all the books in hard and paper back. Used to pre order AND queue up at midnight for each new book but each time they do a blogger event at the tour they never invite me, so looking at all the social media surrounding it quite literally makes me cry and has done many times as there's been about 3 events now. I even got tickets once for Xmas as a gift and didn't even use them as I was so upset about it. Stupid eh? xx

    1. As a huge fan I understand your pain, I have felt a little bitter before now about those studio tours but I have gone off my own back and loved it! Can't wait to go again I hope you do! Can you believe no one else entered? Great for me but def didn't win based on good outfit oh well still over the moon! xx
