
Dear So and So...

Dear Mind,
So things have taken a turn. I've not been pleasant to be around, so much so my daughter has told me I'm always grumpy and my husband has told me he doesn't know how to make me happy anymore. I cannot lie, my heart broke a bit both these times. Whilst I have been off my medication for only a month I have worked hard to keep myself 'up', clearly I thought I was working harder than I actually was. I am deeply frustrated to be given so much in life and yet still be plagued by lonely and unhappy thoughts when I have such a lovely, stable, healthy, happy life. There really is nothing to be sad about. I am trying hard not to hate you right now and focus on the positives: I can see I need help. I am going to get that help again and I am going to set a new goal for October when the children are both in full time school. I'm now wondering if this should be 'Dear Depression' rather than 'Dear Mind' because I want to end with this: I will kick your ass.

Yours, Determined.

Dear, Mr B and my Beautiful Children,

I am deeply sorry for being angry, bad tempered, inpatient and emotional. For making one or all of you feel bad. Thank you for being there, thank you for your honesty. I am a very lucky girl.


Dear Mum,

Thank you for letting me stay over your house on Friday night. I love where you live, right by the sea. My head is clearer and you are not just my Mother but my best friend too. Not many people get that balance right but I love you, respect you and love being around you. I know you don't need thanks for this but I'm saying it anyway, thank you.

Hannah-Leigh xxxx

Dear Readers,

As usual thank you so much for reading. Thank you to the bloggers who have been so kind this week when I was nervous about my silly tooth being taken out! Thank you to the people who have probably unknowingly made me smile this week. Please link up your letters with Michelle by following the badge below.

Cupcake Mumma

Dear So and So at Mummy from the Heart

The Dad Network


  1. I'm sorry you're struggling at the moment. You can beat it though, you will. *big hugs*

    1. Thank you for your supportive comment Olivia, it really helps x

  2. Thinking of you, and I hope that knowing where you are, means that you're on the way to getting back to where you want to be. Glad you have so much support too xx

    1. Yea I think you're right I will get there! I have so much support in very lucky, thank you x

  3. How our minds can pull us down sometimes. It's wonderful you're reaching out for the support you need, that's a lot of strength right there. I really hope that things improve ... that the rainbow in the sky becomes brighter and the silver linning in the dark cloud shines more. Thanks God for our mums and families who bear with us at times when we really need them to. I really hope that this week is a nicer one for you.

    1. Thank you so much, your comment made me smile. This week is indeed much better. Oh yes families and mum especially are the best things I have! X

  4. I'm sorry to hear you are having a hard time at the moment but so pleased to hear you have a great husband and mum to support you :) #bigftalinky

    1. Thank you Al, I feel very lucky indeed :)

  5. Ah sorry to hear this but so happy that you have such a loving family and friends around you to help you xx
