
10 Things To Smile About January

A couple of years ago I used to write up ten things that made me happy each month and I really want to go back to that. I'll be sharing this list with this weeks Reasons to be Cheerful. January wasn't a bad month but it's been a long month. We're on a road to see if Little A has any underlying behavioural issues. I think I've come across something that screams my son and finally this month I'll be able to get some real professional insights. I've banged on about my dental pain every week of January and goodness knows it was hard and I'm still 'suffering' but hey ho, onto January's better points!

Midges birthday. She turned 7 on the 17th and had a lovely day with treats to soft play with cheese on toast (my beautiful, random girl) with her cousin G. We had a family meal in the late afternoon and she was treated to her new bike which she took to just brilliantly (see here) and there was lots of craft and Frozen gifts to be enjoyed!

We had a Family breakfast on Jason's birthday in the morning before football. I've never been to table table before. I really loved having their all you can eat breakfast and the children ate free which is good because they're picky!

There were Several meals out with Jay when the kids were at school. Sometimes we meet up and go 'heck, let's have lunch!' We did it twice this month. We never spend a lot thanks to Weatherspoons so it's not a huge thing to budget for. If we can we do it and if we can't, we don't it's really that simple but because we find it hard to leave Little A with other people at night (even my fantastic Mother) day time lunches are a great way to be us for a while.

Little A's Paediatric appointment coming through. As I mentioned above I was over the moon to finally get Little A's appointment to see the paediatrician through. I'm really hoping I'm going to be taken seriously with my concerns and not passed around. I know it happens to so many parents but just getting this far with hardly any problems at all is hugely pleasing for me!

Seeing Kat and Tilly and going to Pizza Hut. It was like an early birthday treat with Midge too having a meal out the day before complete with her cousin and a new friend and balloons! I enjoyed my pizza, I love that there's a free from option now. It was nice to see my other friend Pippa too.

Eating chicken again! Yes that is an odd one I admit but I've been a veggie since I was 14 maybe before, and recently I've loved making my pie and rice dishes with creamy chicken and it's all free from too-yum.

Lots of happy mail.

Two cool cakes I made:

Reading some books for 26 books with Bringing Up Burns challenge (see badge over to the right.) I've really enjoyed following a list of random themes for book picking. I've read old books, new books and one I thought I wouldn't like but really enjoyed!

Midge has been coming along with her reading and she received dazzling work at school this month. She's picked up her bike riding and has a slightly improved attendance. Not that it was bad at 93%! I'm just very proud of my girl.

Ojos World

Give Thanks Thursday at Mummy from the Heart
Mami 2 Five

Cupcake Mumma


  1. Sounds like a busy happy month, and hope you get some answers re your son - glad you're being listened to as well!

    1. Thank you! I think we're headed in a good direction :) x

  2. Loads of good stuff going on in January. I love the idea of birthday cheese on toast and you did well with those cakes. I hope your dental pain sorts out very soon. Mich x

    1. Thanks Michelle, sure it'll all come right at the end :) if I could eat cheese Id have cheese on toast in my bday too x

  3. sounds like a great month! I agree going out for little treats means a whole lot more

    1. They really do, it's so nice to puncture the weeks and or months with a little treat! X

  4. Wow you've had a busy January! Your daughter has good taste - birthday cheese on toast - brilliant! Hope your dental pain gets sorted out - I had the same thing back in October, like a constant throbbing. The dentist couldn't find anything wrong, said I might have just bit on something too hard. Anyway the pain has disappeared now, so who knows?! xx

    1. Hi! I must have something similar because it's not causing so much bother after s few weeks. Interesting! X

  5. Fabulous idea and great post Hannah.
    your little peeps are gorgeous.

    I really should try something like this.
    I'm being sucked into the world of unhappy lately.
    I need somethings to focus on other than just the same old routine.

    much love x

    1. I do recommend it lovely, I had a touch january and still pulled these out which almost felt impossible at the time! Now you wouldn't know how low I was actuakky feelibg most of the time which is exactly why I love doing this, I knly remember the good times! Xx

  6. I love your mail! Snail mails are the best!!!

  7. Love this! I'm glad the appointment has come through, so sorry I didn't mail you, completely slipped my mind! I look forward to reading next months xxx
