
Goodbye October

My favourite month of the year has passed. I was born in October and grew up having the most wonderful fancy dress parties at my home so October holds real, wonderful childhood memories for me. Then there's Halloween which for me is harmless fun. We lit our Jack O Lantern and let people know we were Trick or Treater friendly! Everyone was polite. We even took Midge and A out with our niece who was doing a sleepover and they all loved it. I was so proud of their manners and they had so much fun!

I had a lovely day on my birthday with surprise flowers and thoughtful gifts from family, friends and even pen pals. Before the day arrived I was lucky enough to see the Harry Potter Studio Tour with Midge and my Mum. This was an early birthday gift and I loved it. It definitely makes October a memorable month now!

Of course I've loved, as I do every year, the joy of Autumn. The last colourful flowers, the gorgeous leaves, the nights in with a mug of soup and a duvet.

I will miss October but look forward to the next as always. In the mean time there are birthdays and Christmas to look forward to. Hope you had a happy October everyone!

Cupcake Mumma


  1. I like October for many of the same reasons (though it's Ez's birthday month, not mine). It's also the first month where I can justify snuggling under a blanket on the sofa, drinking soup and going out conker collecting. Glad you had such a great month x

  2. I love this time of year too ~ conkers,pretty leaves,Halloween,and I just think there is a certain smell and feel to autumn,I also like snuggling up at night!
    I'm impressed that you have been to the Harry Potter tour - bet it was fab. We are Harry Potter mad here and would love the tour! We are on book four now and still loving it. It's a great story,isn't it! xxx

  3. It's my birthday in October too. I love it. It's been surprisingly warm this year!

  4. Hope you had a lovely birthday! I do like parts of autumn too :) x
