
My Week That was Instagrammed #16

Last week we:

Had plenty of cuddles and tickle time which left us with some epic 'bed hair.'

Ate double chocolate muffins for breakfast! It's nearly Christmas, if you're on a diet I feel sorry for you!

I bought this gorgeous hazelnut syrup to add to my hot chocolate. It's definitely saved me a few pennies because I only visited Costa once last week and zero times so far this week! When I get an orange flavour I can totally give up Costa..sorry!

I donned the ace Christmas jumper my Mum bought me for the festive season- I love it! 

I baked some mince pies and thought I'd do them a little different by adding hearts instead of closed tops. They tasted so good and definitely got me in the festive spirit/ Little Man ate half of almost every one so effectively left me the scraps!

I posted off my last gift for my Year in Gifts project. 

I had my one and only Costa of the week(chocolate orange of course)

Baked cakes with my Mum on a night she stayed for tea

And received this ace card from the lovely Bex. Thank you so much! 

Hope you're having a good week and have an absolutely wonderful Christmas!

Cupcake Mumma

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely wonderful. I love that Chridtmas jumper :) . Thank you for linking to PoCoLo and for supporting this year x
