
My Week That was Instagrammed #13

This week:

Little A and I stayed home with Daddy to snuggle down and watch some television before Little A's auntie and baby cousin came over to have some fun. Us adults chatted and had a laugh while the little ones played and occasionally did sweet things like hug and hold each other.

I baked some lovely free from flapjacks which were gone in seconds. They are so easy to make!

We felt a little Christmassy on Thursday so lit a candle which reminds me of candy canes! I bought some of those come to think of it! I may have also popped up a little 'Noel' sign on my fire place!

We watched the light switch on in town on Saturday. It was very crowded and I didn't see much. We met up with Jays sister in law and all the children which was nice and all caught a taxi back to our place. Titan the robot was turning on the lights this year and Jay got this pretty good photo of him.

I made a big mistake and nodded off for 5 minutes. Little A proceeded to draw on my face without me feeling a thing! To add insult to injury they stood and laughed at me as I wiped it off my face in the shower- toerags!!

I ordered a beautiful new broach from a lovely lady on Etsy. It's a real acorn stem with a felted acorn sitting inside the cup. I've pinned it to my handbag and love it very much.

Finally, I caught Little A stealing a big bar of chocolate from the cabinet. He's sitting down enjoying his loot in front of Sponge Bob ruddy Square Pants!!

Hope you had a great week and have an even better one this week.

Cupcake Mumma


  1. It sounds like you had a lovely week! Who is Titan the robot? The brooch is super cute!

    Thank you so much for linking up to #TWTWI xx

    1. Thanks hannah! He's a big robot that is pretty neat, says jokes and stuff pretty cool piece of technology basically.! xx
