
Weekend of Fun! Part 2

As promised, here is part 2 of our wonderful weekend. After having a long but great day on Saturday, we made a rather last minute decision to ask Hubbie's sister if she fancied us taking her 3 eldest out for a while. Of course, as is only natural, she was very pleased and turned up with 3 very excited little people an hour later.

We packed a few food bits and some blankets into a ruck sack and headed down to the local park. I love this park, it's gorgeous. I must photograph it properly. We spent just over an our playing on the swings, slides, teaching our eldest nephew how to use the monkey bars and shoot hoops. He was ace!

Little A didn't need me hovering over him as much as he used to and in fact got a little grouchy if I tried to help him up the steps to the slide. I eventually backed off and let him get on with it (not sulking, much..) I sat down and took photos instead!

Playing with his cousin and being pushed by Daddy on the swings

A very dizzy Little G on the round about 

Very happy Midge

Hanging out with Z

After the park we were all a bit peckish so all 5 children, myself and The Hubby piled into Whetherspoons for a nice big lunch. Needless to say we were all very full when we arrived home. Midge, Z and Little G did some painting whilst I relaxed on the sofa watching O and Hubby play PlayStation. Little A was so tired he went straight to bed waking up to play with his trains just before everyone headed off home.

We had a great weekend. I hope you did too.



  1. Sometimes the simplest and most inexpensive things are the most fun, pleased you enjoyed your weekend xx

  2. Looks like a lovely time was had by all! xx

  3. Ah that is so so lovely. I spent 6 weeks last Summer taking 3 of my nieces and nephews out for the day. Their Mum was busy working on the Olympics every day and they and Aaron had a ball on each and every one of our days out.
    Lovely photos.
    Liska xx
