
10 Good Things March

Here is my monthly round up of everything that has made me happy this month. I'm linking this post up with EmmyMom and also with this weeks Reasons To Be Cheerful host, the lovely Seasider Claire. I know it's a lot of points for the link up but I'm hoping I can get away with it just once a month!

1) The first thing I have to mention is of course our Snowdon climb. This climb took place at the very beginning of March so had to come first really didn't it? I'm still incredibly proud of climbing right to the very top of Snowdon and raising so much money for Comic Relief with a wonderful group of people.

2) Midge had a fantastic parents evening this month with nothing but praise. She's really coming on with her reading after a slow start. Although there is still work to be done there her teacher reckons that come September when she'll be moving up to year 1 she'll be completely ready and it shouldn't phase her at all. Having your daughter being called a really caring, friendly member of the class is a lovely feeling. I'm very proud.

3) I sent out March's care package to someone who really needed a smile this month. I'll be doing my post shortly so please look out for it. It's only month 3 and it's getting harder but I'm getting so much out of my monthly gift giving I can't wait to continue.

4) Last night Husband stayed behind at work until 2am to learn some new 'stuff' in the work place. I was kind of dreading it to be honest because I'm not used to not having him around. He's in bed having a lay in and the children are happy this morning which is great. They were not too bad last night either so I'm also on good form!

5) Midge had her Easter bonnet parade yesterday. I didn't go because Hubby hardly ever gets to see her do anything school related so I gave him my ticket and told him to go. He really enjoyed it and Midge did too. She's gutted she didn't win but her bonnet was very cute. Some of the bonnets were just insane! I didn't realise how much competition there was amongst parents and these blooming parades!!

6) It's Easter weekend! I have an absolutely delicious Easter egg sat in the cupboard calling my name but I can resist until Sunday I promise! I'm really pleased at least Sainsburys has been decent enough to sell a good variety of free from eggs otherwise I wouldn't be enjoying this either!

7) I helped out on Tuesday with the school trip to a beautiful garden in Penzance. The children had a lovely time walking about and it really was the most stunning garden I've seen in a long time. I love helping out on school trips. So far I've been to the Eden Project for some ice skating with the children too. I hope they do some trips in Year 1!

One of the activities I had to do with my group.
8) Little A has been speaking more, yey! He's saying 'Night night', 'love you,' and even 'thank-you,' which is so sweet it melts my heart every time. He's growing up incredibly fast. I'm trying to do more things with him now such as sensory dishes and crafts but he's really taken to drawing on my walls at the moment so I'm not feeling the enthusiasm!!

9) I finally met up with a fellow mum I made friends with last year but because she was very shy then fell pregnant with what turned out to be a difficult pregnancy we didn't have any contact just before Christmas until now. Out of the blue she text me and we met up after the school morning drop off to have a few hours at her house. We totally reconnected and I got some lovely 13 day old baby cuddles. Best thing ever!

10) I'm really enjoying my blog again. I've stopped looking at all the stats which can make you feel a bit rubbish when only a few people have read a post on your blog. I have reminded myself that this is a hobby which i love and a memory making journey for my children. I'm planning on taking part in the April A-Z challenge which will see me blogging everyday. Keep with me though! A big thank-you to my ever loyal readers, I heart you very much!

Please link up your happiness with the 2 lovely bloggers mentioned above by clicking these badges:

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy from the Heart


  1. What a fab month! I love Midges bonnet, she is adorable :o) I totally agree about stats, I love blogging and that's why I do it. Also allows me to meet (actually meet!) fab bloggers like you! Lots a love. Am off to read about the A-Z.... xxx

    1. Hope to see you join Mrs! I'll need inspiration lol Thank-you for commenting lovely xxx

  2. Lovely reasons! I love that Easter bonnet! Have a lovely Easter =) xx

    1. Thank-you Sarah. Have a lovely Easter too xx

  3. Gazillions of reasons to be cheerful :-)

    I would have done Snowdon if I had been flush enough for the cost of travel and accommodation (redundancy money well and truly gone now). Gutted now to know that I could have met you. Ah well.

    I am with you on point 10, as my daily stats are a third of what they have been since August, so I REALLY need to stop looking at them and just enjoy my blog, like you say.

    I so agree about the talking. It is a delight and a pleasure when they start to talk.

    Liska xx

    1. I know it's a lot! It's such shame the climb couldn't have been at a better time for you because it would be great to meet you too! xxx

  4. Glad you had a good month big sis, I do think number eleven should be my adorable little sister gets home tomorrow ;). Can't wait to hear the little man chatting some more. So excited to see you all, tell Lil that I'm o my way! :) xxx

    1. Thanks Is can't wait to see you. Of course that would be number 11 :-) xxx

  5. Happy Easter, Hannah! I'm sorry I didn't get you a 'free from' Easter egg - slipped up there.:(

    1. Oh nonsense you weren't to know! I loved my gifts! Happy Easter to you too Margret! x

  6. What a great March! I love the gift box idea (you are incredibly thoughtful) and think the bonnet is adorable. Simple is best x

  7. Lots of positive things (apart from the little man drawing on the walls)! It's easy to feel disheartened on blog stats isn't it. Hope you have a lovely Easter xx

    1. Honestly the walls are all covered in art it's driving me nuts! xx

  8. what a fantastic month you've had! The Snowdon picture is stunning and the easter bonnet is just adorable :-)

  9. As usual, a lovely post. It is so nice to focus on the good things. Beautiful bonnet, and well done with Snowdon.

    It was a real help to read your point (10) about your blog. I had my first wobble with mine a couple of weeks back, and felt a bit like a tiny lone voice, in a very noisy marketplace! But then I realised and remembered that, like you, this isn't about other people, but about recording precious memories and writing what comes naturally.

    I for one love your blog, and I'm looking forward to reading more. I discovered the A-Z challenge last week too via one of my american blog-pals. I feel a bit daunted about it, but may well give it a go. Can't wait to read yours :)) xx

    1. You're very kind, I'm glad I could help we all get those blog lows :) xx

  10. Well done Midge, and what a lovely Easter bonnet. Well done on your Snowdon climb, it is a wonderful sense of achievement isn't it. Have a lovely Easter x

  11. Lovely bonnet!
    Well done on mt Snowdon! Such an achievement and for a great cause!
    The care package thing sounds really sweet. Do you have other posts on that?

    1. Thanks Emma it was amazing. I do indeed. I can ping them to you if you like or by seach 'gift a year' you'll fine my other 2 :) xx

  12. Yea! Great list! And yes there is something so wonderful about holing a newborn.. sometimes even more wonderful when you know they won't be keeping you up all night. :) Such a great thing to hear about your daughter at school! That would definitely make a mama's heart happy.
    It is crazy how insane some parents can get with school things and how much you know that that parent did it and not the kid.

    Loved your list! Thanks for linking up

    1. Oh yes as wonderful as they are I do like giving them back! This is true I never even though about the parents being so very heavily involved! Thanks for taking the time to visit Em x

  13. Great to read a post full of so much joy and happiness :) Don't envy you the parental competition bit though - we don't have that at all in my part of Dublin x

    1. I don't let it bother me to be honest but it sure is fun to watch! Thanks for your comment x
