
I Feel The Love Project

Last month I made two very special and very important cards to send out. They were sent all the way to America and are probably still making their long journey across the many miles between here and there as I type.

These cards were made as part of the I Feel The Love Project which you can find here with the lovely Madison. For January, these cards were to be made for firstly, a child who survived the dreadful atrocity that was the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting. These cards were to be valentines themed, bright and happy to help bring love and happiness to the faces of the children who were caught up in the shootings.

The second card is for the family of Ms Victoria Leigh Soto who died bravely and selflessly in saving those children who she taught, loved and protected whilst in her care.

I made the first card for Ms Soto's family. Her favourite colour we were told was green, so I dug out my craft box and eventually came up with a card I felt I could send:

The second card I made, the one for one of children, needed to be bright and cheerful. 

As you can see I am by no means an amazing card crafter but I want to help. This is the only way I know how. I hope when these cards finally arrive, they do as they are intended.

CupcakeMumma X


  1. The cards are lovely and I'm sure that they will bring comfort and cheer to the recipients. You certainly made them and sent them with love.

    I'm no card maker, either, but feel I should try to make some; we only learn by doing!


    1. Thank-you for your lovely comment Margaret! You're right, the more I make, the better I will become (hopfully!) x

  2. Those cards are amazing and I'm sure they will be greatly appreciated x

    1. Thank you! They arrived safely which is always a good start!! x
