
*Gone Up a Mountain, Be Back Shortly*

That's the note I'll be leaving my Husband with tomorrow (I jest) but in all seriousness, tomorrow I am departing the Pasty Land (Cornwall for those not in the know) and making my way to Wales to climb a rather high mountain in a pink tutu and some saucy looking red underpants kindly being donated to us by Who Made Your Pants? I am definitely looking forward to this adventure...

I am going to miss my children terribly though! We've decided that it's best for me to take Midge to school tomorrow instead of her getting totally distraught at Mummy leaving for 3 days on a train. She knows I'm climbing a mountain, she has said she will miss me but she will remember why am I doing it. Oh yes, she is proudly telling everyone that:

'Mummy is climbing a mountain for poor people so they can have more money,' Sort of right, I suppose. She really does melt my heart! My Limpet (Little A) has no idea I'm going and will be joyfully waving goodbye to me having no clue that he's being with left with the 'Hairy One' we call Daddy for quite a long time.

Tonight we had pancakes for dinner, talked about all sorts of rubbish that children natter on about, read a really long bedtime story and had extra long cuddles before bedtime. I'm all packed and ready to go for my 10am train tomorrow morning. There is so much to look forward to on this journey but a hell of a lot to be nervous about. Not only is this a wonderful challenge Team Honk are undertaking to celebrate 25 years of Comic Relief and raising some serious funds, but this is also a personal challenge that I will blog about at a later date.

I'm so very, very nearly at my £250 target. Team Honk have been raising a truly wonderful amount of money thanks to the generosity of everyone and the Teams hard work. I can't wait to get up this mountain! If you can, please sponsor me here, no matter how much or how little, it really does help to change a life in the UK or Africa.


Scavenger Hunt Sunday

A day late posting but here are my offerings for Scavenger Hunt Sunday:

Ready To Eat

Getting Ready
 At the library with a selection of books ready to read.


It's an old one but I never had my camera on me when the children were in their 'zone'.

Sweet Dreams

Another old one i'm afraid. My babies don't nap anymore and a camera flash would wake my light sleepers a flash!?
Scrub-A- Dub

Heartfelt Acts February

1.  Bring Flowers to someone 
2.  Tell your Child/spouse that you love them every single day for the month.  You can change it up daily to fit your family.

For this months Heartfelt Acts with Emmy Mom I was really excited to get to send some flowers to a friend who really needed it. She was moving 4 days before the flowers were due to arrive and I knew they could be the 'goodluck in your new home' flowers as well as 'I'm thinking of you lots and missing you loads' kind of flowers. They did what they were supposed to do which is the main thing!

Here are the beautiful tulips I sent my friend. I'm lucky she likes pink because that's pretty much all you're gonna get from me! She loved them and sent me a very happy text upon receiving them. I ordered these from Asda for a change and they are actually perfectly fine!

As February isn't quite at the end just yet (but near enough already!) I'm obviously still telling my family how much I love them every day. I made no grand gestures or anything, just looked my children and my Husband in the eyes and said those words. 'I love you.' So simple but they really made my children smile and made my husband give me a big cuddle which was lovely. It's not something I have to remember because I really do say 'I love you' almost 100 times a day (no joke!) my children are so squidgy and kissable it's hard not to!

It's an old photo but you get the idea!
I've been doing other little things which have made me feel good this month and I want to include them in this round up. I posted 2 gifts boxes out to people I know who are in need of a little tender, love and care. I've signed up to do the Mount Snowdon climb next week which will push me to my limits in terms of being alone with my anxiety (not to mention being high up a mountain!) This is all for Red Nose Day so please, if you haven't already, do consider sponsoring me and the wonderful team here. We've nearly smashed our £1,500 target!

Last months Heartfelt Acts were to clear up all those unwanted bits you no longer need and donate them. We have 3 large bags heading off on Monday which is great. Midge and I have £10 put aside to buy a load of food for our local food support team which will be our way of giving something to the community.

Here's next months prompt:

1.  Thank your police or fire department- take them a baked item. 
2.  Leave 5 random notes of love or affirmation in different public places.


When Little Man Turned 2!

Yesterday was such a lovely day but I still can't believe my Little Man is 2 years old all of a sudden! We started off the day with some birthday pancakes which has become a tradition in our house (apart from Husband who hates pancakes- weirdo!) We all had them smothered in chocolate spread which was delicious.

After breakfast, Midge's friend came over so her Mum could have a break as she's been a bit unwell. Little Man played with the girls until Grandma arrived shortly followed by Auntie Fiona. He was all about the cards this little guy! He opened a pair of lovely new trousers and some new black shoes to wear about the town.
Later on, Auntie Emmie came over with yet more presents: some Thomas Tank shoes (these went down a treat and were tested out in the evening on the way to our meal) he also got a racing car mat for downstairs, some new tops and a Thomas Tank DVD (his first one!) No more relying on Netflix then!

Playing with his Bin Truck from Grandad
He also received a fantastic looking multi-coloured looking trike from his Nanny and Aunt which will be wrestled with as soon as I can muster the ability to keep swear words to myself. We bought him a bean bag chair, a play tent (which is currently being played with as I type) and a new dressing gown.

In the evening we ventured out to Wetherspoons for a nice family meal. Unfortunately Midge and Little Man were a little hyped up so they weren't as well behaved as they usually are but we dealt with all that the best we could! Our meals were really tasty (and very large):

Little Man had a fantastic day and he must have played and laughed so very much because from 7pm onwards i didn't hear a single peep from him until half 8 this morning!

Happy Birthday my beautiful Little Boy xx Mummy xx


A Year in Gifts: February

Last month I started my Year in Gifts by sending a friend who needed cheering up a little surprise in the post. I don't like to just send things without people knowing they are coming but for this giving project of mine it feels so important that these are genuine surprises to my recipient and so any clue of their arrival would some how spoil it.

I knew in the middle of February who my next gift receiver would be as she had just had a beautiful little baby in December. As usual I was pretty late in sending my 'welcome to the world' gifts and then I felt my friend really needed cheering up, so I did a bit of re-jiggling and posted my next parcel off with success!

Who did I send to this month? The lovely and very wonderful fellow blogger Hannah of Make do and Push! Her gorgeous little girl was born right at the end of 2012 and I  just had to send something to mark her arrival. I also wanted to include some gifts for Hannah because she is a lovely lady and a wonderful Mother to her little girl.

What did I send?

A MiaMoo set for Hannah to enjoy a bit of pampering. I have a set of MiaMoo products which I won last year and all the moisturisers are still going. I hope Hannah gets to use all of these products and enjoys them as much as I did (and still do!)

For the Little One, a cute little pink elephant I just couldn't ignore. I know, who needs extra teddies? But it's sweet and very soft! My Little Man and Midge had tiny toys like this and when they started teething they never looked the same again! Poor teddies..
The purple wrapping said teddy is sitting on includes a very warm and lovely cellular yellow blanket for Hannah's daughter. I hope it keeps her warm or maybe becomes a comforter like my Little Mans. It really is the cutest thing I've ever seen!

And of course another gift for Hannah. A nice bar of Galaxy chocolate and some hot chocolate to go with it. Apparently this gave me away (along with my cupcake parcel tape!) because I love drinking my hot chocolate and goodness knows I go on about it enough!

So there you have it. Another gift sent out for 2013.I love the tweets or texts I get when my gifts reach where they're meant to be. Just to let someone know you're thinking about them is such a powerful thing don't you think?

I also sent another gift out this month. I won't detail the recipient of this gift but I hope it reaches its destination in one piece. I think it's fairly obvious who this gift is for and all I will say is this: I cried my heart out from start to finish packing this up.
CupcakeMumma x

Before Your Birthday..

My Little Man,

Tomorrow you turn 2 years old. I have felt that these 2 years have plodded along quite nicely but then, all of a sudden here we are. You're fast asleep in the bedroom you share with your big sister, Midge (who you adore may I add!) Downstairs I have placed your new pop up tent in the front room with a present from Midge and a Thomas Tank Engine bean bag. It looks so cosy, I know you will love it!

From the minute I held you in my arms Little Man I knew we'd have such a special bond. Everything was so different when you arrived which meant we were able to bond quicker and easier than your sister and I. We're all super close now though which is a wonderful feeling!

You really are coming into your own now my Little Boy. You're cheeky and mischievous and hate to be left out. When your big sister has friends over you try and talk to them, play and join in their games despite having no idea what they're going on about! Unlike your sister it's a real challenge to get a good photo of you. You're not such a willing subject and Mummy has to be supper fast!

I cannot believe you have gone from this:

To this:

You can say a few words now you're paying attention a bit more. You say 'Mummy' and 'Daddy' (and Mumma) you can say your sister's name (which was your first word!) I get a few kisses here and there and plenty of hugs from you throughout the day. Daddy jokes that you're my little limpet.
Sometimes we still co-sleep (when Daddy lets us!) You and your blanket are almost permanently attached which is the sweetest thing ever and both you and Midge always get lovely comments about how well behaved and how close you seem.

I'm very proud to have you as my son Little Man and I cannot wait to continue to watch you grow.
Love you forever,
Mummy xxxx

PrinterPix Photo Competition Entry: Under 5's

Tots100 are hosting a pretty good competition at the moment and I thought I'd have a go, share a photo and see what happens!

My photo entry is this:

Here is my beautiful twosome making some (very well timed) funny faces. Midge loves and cares for her brother like I never thought she would. I really was surprised how easily Little Man just slotted into our lives and how amazingly well Midge accepted him. This photo will never cease to make me giggle and is, perhaps obviously, my go to photo when the chips are down.

This post is CupcakeMumma's entry into the Printerpix Photo competition


Scavenger Hunt Sunday


My pen pal sent me some lovely smelling candy love heart candles just before Valentines Day which was so lovely of her. The pink ones are obviously my favourite!

Pink or Red

This Tatty Bear was bought for me by my Husband exactly 6 years ago now! I love the red rose he holds and can't quite believe that despite being kept downstairs he's stayed in great condition!


I love it when my children do adorable things like this!




Time Out

Myself and Husband have been talking about taking a family break. It doesn't matter where, we just feel that it's time to start considering a nice holiday for this year. Now, if you read my blog you'll know that I'm off pretty soon with some other fabulous bloggers to climb Mount Snowdon. I'm actually going to treat this as my own little break (after all I'll get a full nights sleep which is rare!)

Husband has something planned with his football mates at some point this year too so we both get an individual 'night off.' What we both really want however, is to take one of those good old short break holidays. Oh to pack up those dusty suitcases (it's been 2 years) and head off to a chosen destination leaving work, housework, endless lists of bills and meal plans behind. I spend an awful long time some nights browsing through different holiday sites lusting after holiday homes, cosy cabins and even some pretty nice caravan parks! We've made a bit of a goal for 2013 to have a real family holiday and I hope we can achieve this with some planning, sacrificing of luxuries and topping up that good old 'holiday fund' jar that's stashed (somewhere) in the house!

There are plans though. Exciting plans. Plans that really will make a family holiday become an actual huge family gathering of sorts. In June, my Aunt and Uncle who live in the beautiful countryside of Cambridge, hold a mini music festival. When we last went up (in 2011) Little Man was only a baby and now he's bigger and doesn't require so much 'luggage' I know if we managed to work it out right we could hot foot it up there for one of those much needed midweek breaks I hear people talk about.

 I can just see it now...Little Man and Midge dancing to the drums and guitars in the mud, laughing and running around with all their other cousins. Husband and I could chat and catch up and even though it isn't cabins or holiday parks (although it is caravans and tents!) and it isn't hot, beaming sun or fun, twisting slides, it would still be such an amazing holiday.

Tiny Little Man on his first holiday
June 2011
Midge and Little Man loved their home for the holiday!
A beautiful Cambridge sunset
 Are you planning a family break this year? If so where to? Are you, like us, pinching the pennies wherever possible for that one week of de-stress? I'd love to know!


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Reasons To Be Cheerful

I really haven't enjoyed my week at all this week but as ever I can pick a highlight from every day, even if it was those 3 yummy pancakes smothered in chocolate spread I ate for dinner last night (it was a bad day!) please click the badge below to venture over to our lovely host who is taking over R2BC while Michelle has a break.

1) One of the best reasons to be cheerful this week is my impending trip to Wales to climb Mount Snowdon with a whole bunch of other lovely bloggers. I'm really excited (and very nervous) to be joining in with Team Honk and raising some money for Red Nose Day.

2) Today is the last day of school which means I can be lazy as anything again for a whole week. No more lunch box packing or homework checking, just relaxing and hopefully having some fun!

3) I received a lovely Tweet this morning saying my surprise gift had arrived. Knowing that you've 'made someone's week' is a really great feeling.

Look out for a new post soon on my A Year in Gifts 2013!

I hope everyone has had a good week and if not, why not join in with this link up? You really will find something to be cheerful about.


My Fears are Your Fears?

Give us a smile Midge?!

Fears or phobias, we all have at least 1 right? I have a fair few. Probably too many to be honest but I'm not too bothered by most of them. Overall I only have one which really gets in the way of day to day life and that's my 'social phobia' (one of the ones many people just cannot even begin to understand) and some just don't bother me, like my fear of spiders. They're horrible little creatures with furry bodies and legs that carry them in all directions. I will not kill them though, oh no, I'd totally have to write that one in my prayer journal! These days I trap them under a glass and put them back outside with a 'sorry mate, my house not yours,' as a goodbye.

I was thinking about my phobias and how they would (or apparently do) affect my children. We're probably talking about Midge here as, at 5 years old, she's a lot more able to read the signs of panic and fear in my expression and body language. She's more able to tell a petrified shriek than Little Man is after all.

Midge is terrified of spiders. This is my fault. Before I realised that I had to grow a pair I continued to run around like a screaming banshee whenever one of the little blighters scuttled across my floor. Now, I've managed to 'man up' a bit and have even been known to grab, BARE HANDED one of those long legged grey ones *shudders* but this does not impress Midge and it is firmly rooted in her head that spiders are something to be scared of. Damn.
As are drain covers! This is also a huge fear of mine. I once read about a toddler falling down one and from that day on I refused to stand on or walk on a drain cover should it give way beneath my pink converses. Even worse, should it give way beneath my daughter's. The chances of this happening? Close to zero right? But isn't that what phobias are? A totally irrational feeling. Your bodies way of protecting you from 'danger?' I don't know, but what I do know is my daughter now refuses to walk on drain covers. It's bad, but I sort of feel relieved. Like my worst fear of loosing her won't happen, at least in one way.

I'm trying to get Midge to overcome some of her fears. She's scared of moths and even panics at flies being near her (you can imagine what summer is like in my house!) She is afraid of wasps (again my fault as I am petrified of them and this will never change I'm afraid- sorry Midge) and she is also fairly scared of dogs (often we have to cross the road if a dog is in our path) I think yet again she senses my panic and fear. I do not like strange dogs and for that matter I am not keen on dogs that are known to the family, so convinced am I that they are an 'accident waiting to happen.' It's a shame because I was brought up with so many animals and truth be told, I'd love a dog! But I won't, not until the children are grown up and understand that dogs, like people, need space!

Do your children have any fears and do you ever blame yourself for perhaps 'encouraging' that fear? I think I have been pretty open and honest in saying that yes, I do believe these fears my daughter has developed are most likely by witnessing my reaction to those 'incidents.' Some are life's experiences in her already short life so far. What do you make of all this?


Me? Climb A Mountain?

Yes, actually I am. I'm joining the fabulous Team Honk and a good handful of other people to trek up Mount Snowdon. Yes, me. Me who gave up on The 30 Day Shred by day 4. Me, who eats entire packs of Jaffa Cakes in under 15 minutes. Me, who is petrified of heights.

I'll be going with my good friend and fellow blogger, Kat whose blog you can find here. We're both on a more giving mission this year and I think helping to raise money for Comic Relief is just one more way of giving back. Comic Relief helps both those in the UK and Africa. 

So, as CupcakeMumma, I'm on the look out for some pink walking boots along with all the other trekking paraphernalia I'll need (I don't really 'do' exercise- heaven help me!) 

Wish us all luck!


I don't talk much about anxiety or depression as generally I like to think I'm moving away from these things (although really they're always there, waiting for an opportunity to pounce on a low day, out of the blue) but 2 days ago I had a brush with the old anxiety which left me feeling a bit stupid. A bit vulnerable. All the things that anxiety is particularly good at making you feel.

I thought I'd take the children out for a lovely day. Get out the house, grab a change of scenery and perhaps waste some pennies in a pound store on craft things (even though we have plenty!) I thought I was ready to deal with 2 children, a pushchair and figure out the trains and busy streets. I think I was ready to be honest, just a series of unfortunate events hampered my positive attitude and determined mind.

Reasons To Be Cheerful

Here are this weeks Reasons To Be Cheerful:

1) Once again I've seen how wonderful the blogging community is. We all seem to come together for important issues but more importantly when something tragic happens we all come together once again to offer our love and support. I am truly thankful and proud to be a part of this community.

2) I'm very pleased to have been nominated in 2 categories for the MADS awards (Mums and Dads blogging award) I'd imagine everyone has casted their votes, but if not there's a pretty badge just to the right of this blog where you can nominate me and any other fabulous bloggers for an award. Thank you.

3) I'm excited to send my next surprise gift next week as part of my Year of Gifts 2013. I absolutely love giving and wish others could see how wonderful (and not weird!) it is.

4) I'm really proud of Midge who came home from school yesterday with a certificate for being caring towards all her class friends.


My No Technology Day

So, a week ago now I took up the challenge to use no technology for a whole day. This challenge was introduced to me by Joanne who wrote her own account of her day off from the gadget world along with a blog post written by her daughter who held all said gadgets hostage!

I kept a written account throughout my day and here's how I got on:

Lets just start with how much I use shall we? Like most people I use the microwave, toaster very rarely the kettle for a hot water bottle or for visitors who drink tea. I use my camera, laptop and watch TV pretty regularly throughout the day. Then there's my phone. This is strapped to me! I use Twitter, Facebook, Kindle, music, Instagram, photos and camera and I write blog posts which involves me using photo editing apps in order to mark my photos. 
For this task (which I'm not actually looking forward to now I've listed the above!) I'm allowed to use the oven and I'm allowed to be in front of the TV when it's on but I'm not allowed to turn it on or be in control of the remote (and it's Match of the Day night!!)

7.25am I woke up next to my sleeping baby. I allowed myself to log onto my phone to link up a post I published the day before but couldn't link it up because of the different time zones. I said as it was important to me I'd link up but then turn my phone off. I did just that.

7.45am Realised if phone was on I'd already have Tweeted about my dream (which was horribly real) and the fact Little Man had drunk old milk..Realised I was in fact, pretty sad!

8.10am Husband came down to get ready for football (strapped to his phone). As Husband prepared to leave I soon realised there was no one to make me hot chocolate in the microwave! Nor would there be anyone for most of the day to hoover or turn on the TV for the children if they asked.

8.30am Just proved how much we re lie on technology by walking into the kitchen and turning the dryer on (which is full of work and school clothes) Soon realised my mistake, cursed myself then thought, 'that's how much I use technology, I don't even think about it! Now majorly aware of all things technological!

8.45am Husband left for football. He couldn't hoover and he didn't switch the TV on. Settling for colouring with the children instead.

10.15am Cleared out the downstairs toy box, got a nice big bag for the charity shop and a small bag of rubbish. husband came home due the match being cancelled so waiting on him to hoover! Sat with Midge and done her reading, maths and writing homework!

10.30am Just made hot chocolate the good old fashioned way- on the hob! It was a total success (obviously) but not tasting the same as my microwaved version..

11.30am Feeling peckish. Husband refuses to make me toast so just popped 2 pieces in the oven! I know some people make their cheese on toast this way but we don't even do that! ( In case you're wondering, it's 180* for 10 minutes for gluten free bread!)

11.50am- Toast was good! I forgot to turn it though but not too fussed.

2.00pm Been shopping. Midge used the self service check out (honest, I didn't touch anything not once) I nearly forgot about the ATM machines but luckily I just put the card in and Husband did the rest-phew!

2.30pm Husband using Facetime to chat..Instead of joining in I'm colouring again with the children which is really nice.

3.45pm Woke up from a half hour nap on the sofa while Husband cooked dinner. After last nights poor sleep a nap was much needed. I usually keep myself awake even when the opportunity for a nap is available by reading a book on my phone or browsing a social network.

4.00pm Baked apple pie with Husband which was nice instead of letting him getting on with it. Midge figured out the TV so they got Max and Ruby on without too much trouble..I'm surprised it's so far into the day with no TV.

4.45pm Kind of wanting to check the old phone now...Husband is constantly on his (he's just walked in with it!)

5.00pm Yey! Husband is hoovering!

5.30pm Husband has destroyed tea and I have lentil soup instead of lentil roast. Roast dinner has been re-scheduled so now heading to Wetherspoons instead!

6.45pm Had a lovely dinner but was weird not having my phone to snap photos. The children always behave so well and look so sweet when out that I love taking their photos and Husband doesn't take many.

7.00pm Midge and Little Man are playing up because they're a bit tired. I'm not feeling 100% so this is when I really want to curl up and immerse into the iPhone world!

7.40pm Both children are in bed so just waiting to see what Husband puts on TV. He has hidden my phone as was a bit tempting! I don't want to waste a whole days good work though. It's been a good experience.

That's where I finished my dairy at the end of the day. I even went to bed earlier than normal and I caught up on a lot of studying before I turned in which is really good. Here's what I learnt from my day:

-  If I use my phone as much as Husband used his then I use it a lot and that needs to change. I paid much more attention to both children and felt really relaxed colouring and playing trucks with them.Did  make me feel a bit guilty.

- I drank a lot less hot chocolate which didn't impress me! I was just too lazy to keep getting up and heating milk on the hob (shameful)

- I use my phone WAY too much. I have a really good camera and yet I use my phone? I sit and blog on it when the quality of my blog is better when using a laptop and I go on and off Twitter far too many times.

- I will probably never be parted from my phone in all honesty. What I want to do however, is spend more time with it put up somewhere (and Husbands') switch the TV off and bake, colour, craft all the things I used to do before we lived in the town. We lived in the countryside for years previously and were always out and about, hardly anything to watch. I want to make more memories and spend more time in front of happy children and less time in front of screens.

Thanks to Joanne for putting me up to this challenge.


For Matilda Mae 2/5/2012 - 2/2/2013

Ten Tiny Fingers, 

Ten Tiny Toes, 
Two Bright Sparkling Eyes, 
And One Button Nose

It's hard to find the right words sometimes. This time it's even harder. Jennie, who blogs here at Edspire, announced the devastating news that Matilda Mae had sadly passed away at the weekend.
I want Jennie and her family to know, that even though what I know about their life is from her blog, that I and many others in this wonderful community are thinking of them, praying for them and although many of us couldn't ever imagine their pain, we are hurting for them too.

Lisa has come up with a beautiful idea. Please visit her blog to sponsor a flower which will later be released from the beach into the sea which seems so fitting given that 'Mae' means 'Star of the sea.' I just know little Matilda Mae will be watching.

All donations will be going to the charity Bliss which is very close to the families heart.

May you rest in peace beautiful angel, watch over your Mummy and Daddy, your brother and sister.
Hannah xxx

Pinaddicts Is Back!

For the first instalment of the Pinaddicts Challenge I'd like to show you my project I'm working on for 2013. I have always wanted to make some sort of journal or scrapbook instead of keeping up with long dairy entries which I usually end up forgetting!

I then came across this pin and thought I could do something just like this and i could stick, doodle and plod along with no need to worry about the fact my printer has bust and I don't have the money to buy pretty papers!

The idea is very simple. A box for every day of the month, filled in with a good memory of what happened on that particular day complete with doodles and all those little bits you collect through the great things you get up to.

Using a pencil and ruler I drew a box for every day of the week for the first month, filling the boxes with anything we got up to from birthdays and days out to the more relaxed 'pj days' and the down right rubbish days where it's a struggle to find something good! This book is positivity only, something which my personal dairy would lack.

I have used stickers and various embellishments to make certain days (such as Hubby's and Midges birthdays) stand out. I used coloured pens for a splash of brightness to an otherwise dull looking page and even stuck stamps from my pen pal in Lithuania.

Finally I've added those 'bits and bobs' I was talking about. There's the ticket to the aquarium we visited for Midges birthday treat, the train ticket from Hubby's birthday day out shopping, a drawing from Midge (which we'll do every month to see how her drawings change) and the stamp that was used on her homemade party invites.

Do join in or look at the other fab crafts that are going on over the Pinaddicts site!


I Feel The Love Project

Last month I made two very special and very important cards to send out. They were sent all the way to America and are probably still making their long journey across the many miles between here and there as I type.

These cards were made as part of the I Feel The Love Project which you can find here with the lovely Madison. For January, these cards were to be made for firstly, a child who survived the dreadful atrocity that was the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting. These cards were to be valentines themed, bright and happy to help bring love and happiness to the faces of the children who were caught up in the shootings.

The second card is for the family of Ms Victoria Leigh Soto who died bravely and selflessly in saving those children who she taught, loved and protected whilst in her care.

I made the first card for Ms Soto's family. Her favourite colour we were told was green, so I dug out my craft box and eventually came up with a card I felt I could send:

The second card I made, the one for one of children, needed to be bright and cheerful. 

As you can see I am by no means an amazing card crafter but I want to help. This is the only way I know how. I hope when these cards finally arrive, they do as they are intended.

CupcakeMumma X