
My Little Man

Looking at you now, pulling my cupboards open and emptying my (expensive) cereals onto the bathroom floor, putting crayon on my kitchen wall and running around like a loony I can't believe I actually have these sorts of photos in my collection.
These photos remind me just how much you've grown (especially with 4 months until you're 2!) where you couldn't lift your head up, you'd cuddle up quite happily for as long as hour and I had to do everything for you. 
Now I don't hold your bottle, have to pick you up when you roll on your front or even fall over! You pick yourself up, brush off your hands and carry on walking. Just like that. I'm not even allowed to help with your food most days! At least you let me (most of the time) hold your hand when we go for a stroll through the town and to the parks.

I love looking through my old photos and seeing just how much my two beautiful children have grown. The photo above is when Little Man was only a couple of months old. He was finding his little voice. You know, when they make high pitch screeches or gnaw on their fists making that sweet little sound. Melts my heart! 

“This blog post has been written as an entry into the Tots100 competition in association with Boots Mother and Baby


  1. love that bit about finding their voice! my daughter is at that age now and you think it is going to last forever - but all too soon they end up answering back and shouting and me (as my boys now do!). lovely post! x

    1. Thanks for your comment! Oh boy, my 4 year old has just started all this back chatting and it's set to get worse right? Haha xx
