
What i've Been Up To..

Aside from banging my head against a brick wall with my daughter's challenging behavior and refraining from ranting on my blog about mothers and the school run (who have the amazing ability to make me feel like utter poop*) I have been pottering around behind the scenes of a chaotic house.

I've started some de-cluttering and have a detailed plan as well as a list of items I would like to purchase to make my house feel more like a home. I've started on the bathroom by adding a pink floor mat and a box to keep all of our 'stuff' in. I've swapped the draws in the bathroom for a normal tub and now have a place to put all my crafting bits as its all been building up since I've started crafting again!

The children's room has been tidied and the last few wedding gifts have found a home now I've given some old items away to charity that I no longer need. I'm planning lots of lovely ideas for my little ones bedroom as it's not in the best of condition. It needs filling, walls sanding as well as painting then plenty of finishing touches. Finding the time and opportunity to do this though could prove harder!

Midge has been having a good time with school coming home with stickers in her spelling books and a party invite this Sunday which she's excited about. On Wednesday she had her first invite to a friends house for dinner and both girls are really looking forward to next Wednesday when they both get to have dinner here.

Little Man has been full of cold and short tempered thanks to his big sister waking up at 6am every morning shouting for Mummy and getting up ready for the day when he could lay in until at least 7am. I'm planning on taking him to a play group again as I feel he's missing out a bit as we don't do much.

As for me, I've been busy studying for my Anatomy and Physiology course as well being a bit under the weather. I've been making things too:

Making this awful fireplace look nice. It's a tough job but someone has got to do it!

 I've actually done what I said I would and smartened up my lovely gingham bunting I bought very cheaply from a local market place. It had some letters and numbers sewn on to the flags which I picked off, gave it a clean and hung it up on my chimney breast.

The only thing about the school run I actually enjoy is the walk. There's nothing particularly exciting to see but now it's Autumn (my favourite season) there are loads of lovely colourful leaves falling from the trees and although it's been very wet sometimes I feel refreshed stepping into the chilly wind. Although, it's definitely time to search for a hat!

I've also been picking up Christmas bargains (presents, advent candles) and spending time with my Husband who has become the proud owner of the new Fifa 13 which I couldn't resist buying him today! I'm a great wife honest! Although now I won't ever be able to watch any TV what with the new game as well as constant Charlie and Lola repeats!

Tomorrow I shall be baking, shopping for birthday gifts and getting excited that it will be exactly one month until my birthday. Yey!



  1. Great post, enjoyed it. Please rant about the school run mums.
    Good luck with the decluttering - I am trying too.
    Thanks for your comment on my "news" post.
    Liska x

    1. I may do Liska!
      Thanks for commenting, goodluck with ridding the house of junk!

  2. We've been trying to de-clutter this week too so much harder than it sounds sometimes. I have boxes of craft things that drives my partner mad that I need to find a 'hidden' home for! In case you haven't seen my email, thank you so much for the package, it came this morning, it was lovely :) x

    1. So glad you liked it :)
      I flit between loving and hating de-cluttering! But you do feel good when it's done. x
