
Halloween Me

As it's very nearly October, which is my favourite month and it is nearly Halloween I took advantage of the rather fun new settings on PicMonkey. Jenny, who blogs at Mummy Mishaps has gone and set up a little linky to spread some horrifying, Halloween fun! Here is my offering for this Halloween link up:

Do you think I'd get a part in Twilight? I think I prefer this look to my usual look- thanks PicMonkey!
I let Midge loose on a photo too:

Why not join in the fun?


What i've Been Up To..

Aside from banging my head against a brick wall with my daughter's challenging behavior and refraining from ranting on my blog about mothers and the school run (who have the amazing ability to make me feel like utter poop*) I have been pottering around behind the scenes of a chaotic house.

I've started some de-cluttering and have a detailed plan as well as a list of items I would like to purchase to make my house feel more like a home. I've started on the bathroom by adding a pink floor mat and a box to keep all of our 'stuff' in. I've swapped the draws in the bathroom for a normal tub and now have a place to put all my crafting bits as its all been building up since I've started crafting again!

The children's room has been tidied and the last few wedding gifts have found a home now I've given some old items away to charity that I no longer need. I'm planning lots of lovely ideas for my little ones bedroom as it's not in the best of condition. It needs filling, walls sanding as well as painting then plenty of finishing touches. Finding the time and opportunity to do this though could prove harder!

Midge has been having a good time with school coming home with stickers in her spelling books and a party invite this Sunday which she's excited about. On Wednesday she had her first invite to a friends house for dinner and both girls are really looking forward to next Wednesday when they both get to have dinner here.

Little Man has been full of cold and short tempered thanks to his big sister waking up at 6am every morning shouting for Mummy and getting up ready for the day when he could lay in until at least 7am. I'm planning on taking him to a play group again as I feel he's missing out a bit as we don't do much.

As for me, I've been busy studying for my Anatomy and Physiology course as well being a bit under the weather. I've been making things too:

Making this awful fireplace look nice. It's a tough job but someone has got to do it!

 I've actually done what I said I would and smartened up my lovely gingham bunting I bought very cheaply from a local market place. It had some letters and numbers sewn on to the flags which I picked off, gave it a clean and hung it up on my chimney breast.

The only thing about the school run I actually enjoy is the walk. There's nothing particularly exciting to see but now it's Autumn (my favourite season) there are loads of lovely colourful leaves falling from the trees and although it's been very wet sometimes I feel refreshed stepping into the chilly wind. Although, it's definitely time to search for a hat!

I've also been picking up Christmas bargains (presents, advent candles) and spending time with my Husband who has become the proud owner of the new Fifa 13 which I couldn't resist buying him today! I'm a great wife honest! Although now I won't ever be able to watch any TV what with the new game as well as constant Charlie and Lola repeats!

Tomorrow I shall be baking, shopping for birthday gifts and getting excited that it will be exactly one month until my birthday. Yey!


Autumn Gold

I love Autumn, it's my favourite season by far so when I checked in with The CSI Project this week and saw our crafting challenge was 'Gold,' I thought I should make something I could wear over this lovely season. I had a look around and found this lovely necklace so thought i'd have a go at making something similar.

I bought some 24 gauge gold wire from Ebay, an old gold necklace for £1 from my local charity store as I didn't have any gold chain, and finally I raided my draws for some beads that would match the wire. In the end I opted for some small purple ones after being unsuccessful finding my larger purple bead stash!

This was a fiddly project for someone who hasn't made anything like this before so it does require patience! It's also not a project I could photo step by step, maybe next time! For now, here is my Autumn Gold Nest Necklace:

First of all I threaded the 4 beads onto the wire then started wrapping the wire around until I was happy with the size of my 'nest' and the beads felt secure. I made a loop before cutting the wire to allow me to place a jump ring for attaching to the chain.

After taking apart the old necklace from the charity store I was left with a very long piece of chain- ideal! I cut the length I needed using my pliers and reattached jump rings as well as a new clasp. Now my necklace is all ready for stepping out into the Autumn wind (and rain!)

What do you think?



The Gallery: 8pm

I haven't joined in The Gallery for ages but I thought I'd start joining in again as I do like to blog more but given the recent weather I haven't been doing very much to write about!

Here is a photo from my wedding night with Little Man and his cousin. They're not too far apart age wise and seemed to really bond which was lovely. They both just love their dummies and were pinching each others, his cousin more so than  him! They were also playing with bubbles and joining the dance floor once Little Man grasped the fact this was a party and usual bedtime was out the window. 

Why not see what others have been up to at 8pm with their Little Ones over at Tara's blog Sticky Fingers


Road Trip

If you follow me on Twitter you may have seen a few Tweets from a very unsocial hour (try 3am) just before being collected by the parents and younger sister for our 7 hour road trip to Keele University. I'm already missing my sister like mad but it must be all in my head because I never saw her loads when she lived down here! I think it's about her being so far way with no family around.

We set off in total darkness, had a few debates which were really not suitable for such early hours and eventually both my sister and I took a half hour kip trapped under her full length mirror and other student must haves! When I woke up the sun was breaking through the clouds and the day was finally beginning!

We arrived in good time and set about getting my sister all set up. The process was actually surprisingly quick and even the ques for party tickets and freshers passes weren't that long. I found myself getting excited and I wouldn't even be staying!

Bracelet to be kept on all week to get into
all Freshers events!
After all the excitement of becoming a proper signed up new student we located the accommodation blocks and began unloading. We all took it in turns to take bits and bobs up the 3 small flights of stairs to my sister's room which is a lovely size (it's bigger than the bedroom she's had to leave behind) There's plenty of storage space, a nice big desk, phone all ready to go and a lovely view with a tree to the left which actually gives her some privacy. The block she's in is at least a couple of miles from the actual campus so it's like she's totally removed from the university and actually in the countryside. I'll be visiting!!

It didn't take long to get all of the car unloaded and I helped put things into place. We're both pretty organised little beings so I don't think she'll move too much stuff that I put out. When the bed was made and all the boxes flat packed her room looked lovely and cosy. All it needs now are some photos on the notice boards and a little homely touch. 

The first items to be removed from storage! Sourz, I am told,
have already been consumed!
I snapped a photo of the campus as we were walking to her blocks. It's so peaceful and lovely I really hope she'll be happy there. I could see myself immersing into crafting communities and eating cupcakes on the lawn!  

After unloading the car we took my sister off for some much need first week shopping! Seeing all the lost students was such a funny sight. Everyone was having the same conversations about how to use a washing machine, what were dryer sheets and how do you use them? Do I need this, that and the other (usually a 'no' from the wise parent). 

We've been lucky in that we've always had to muck in with the washing up and laundry. Because our parents have never been 'well off' like so many we've learnt to budget and prioritise and save for the luxuries. I don't live by this all time though, life's for living after all!

 The shopping came to a reasonable price given we bought items in bulk so she won't have to spend much over the next few weeks. My sister is really adamant on using meats and vegetables from the local market on campus so I hope they are offering students a good deal to enjoy the fresher foods.

We left my sister at 3pm making one stop on the way. I think I fell asleep for another half hour about 10 minutes into the journey. My phone didn't die until we were an hour from home which was good going considering I had been busy on Twitter and reading blogs during the journey up! 

We made one stop at 'Road Side Chef' which was OK. Nothing amazing but then where can you stop on a road side that will be 'amazing!?' My Dad asked us to buy him something, 'just not a burger,' he said. That was a problem seeing as we were standing right in front of the only shop open which a huge sign displaying the name 'The Burger Bar'! Mum and I grabbed some fries and picked Dad up a surprise Krispy Kreme. I hate the fact I can't eat these delicious looking doughnuts but apparently it was 'Yeah very nice. Professional like,' nom nom nom....Hmmmm

I've since heard there's already been a bit of partying and a rather successful comedy night on campus. I'm really pleased my sister has already made friends and I haven't contacted her yet. Breathing space and all that! I'm writing her a letter tonight so hopefully she'll get that and put drinking aside to give me all the weekend gossip and details of upcoming excitement! She better be getting me some freebies while she has such a great opportunity!

If you'd like to read all about my sisters lead up to leaving for university you can do so here. When she has the Internet up and running again you'll be able to read more of her thoughts as a new student as well as lots of tips which will be handy for any newbie students.


Cupcakes and Crafting

This week is National Cupcake Week and I'm sure you'll agree with me that it would be shameful for someone so obsessed with cupcakes not to join in with many other people over the UK this week in baking some of these delicious little treats.

Tonight the children finally gave me a break and decided to sleep. I whipped out my utensils and bowls and very quickly put together these vegan and gluten free vanilla, blackberry cupcakes with a vanilla icing topped with dairy free fudge. The fudge was from Archie Browns, a health food shop found in Truro, St.Austell and Penzance in Cornwall. 

 All cooled down and pipped with thick butter icing. I'm so pleased my mixer didn't wake the children! Sprinkled with fudge which is so rich I'm not even remotely tempted to pick at it after chopping it all up.

Packed and ready for our long road trip tomorrow.

Now, onto my crafting. When I bought curtains for my front room windows I was really annoyed (and a bit confused) as to why there are no ties to tie back the curtains during the day. I thought this was just a done thing but apparently more companies are selling them separately. Go figure.

Anyway, after months of making do with scruffy hanging curtains I had some what of a 'light bulb' moment and raced to my cupboard of bits and bobs. I dug out my jewelry, found some wire used for bracelets, picked out some beads that would match my curtain colour (grey) and all the other essentials (scissors, flat nose pliers and some 'spacing beads')

 I wrapped the wire around my curtain to get an idea of the length, adding a bit on to allow for a small ring to hook over a curtain hook. I placed the beads, 8 main beads and enough to allow for a nice splash of colour. 

They really do suit my curtains and make such a difference. Now I can arrange my curtains just how I like, the sun can flood in and it's just another little bit of 'pretty' to add to our home. As you can tell, the lounge is next on my hit list!


A Bargain of a Day!

I visited Truro a couple of days ago with my sister. I went primarily to get a few bits for the Halloween party I'm really looking forward to treating my 2 and their cousins to. I hope they like my bunting and tinsel! All of the above was from Poundland so no where too exciting but for once I was with someone who didn't mind doing a bit of good old charity shop 'scavenger hunting.'
I'd like to show you some really pleasing finds.

First of all I bought this fab mug which my sister spotted. This was in the Cancer Research shop and although it wasn't second hand the money still goes to a good cause right? This was £6 and is a totally cool mug. It's made like those Starbucks coffee cups. The top is silicon and has a plastic covering. I had my first hot chocolate in this last night and it retains heat so well I'm going to need a knitted mug warmer so I don't burn my hands! I love it though, very CupcakeMumma!

My second find was from a box containing a few fabric scraps and old dolls clothes from a lady in the market. I found this very cute little handmade cushion. I'm not usually one for nautical themes and to be honest, I'm not sure where it'll fit in but because I love it I know I'll find a home for it.

A beauty one here. Poking about Superdrug waiting for my sister to decide between two different types of stick on eyelashes (she bought both in the end in case you're interested) I found a little box of polishes and trashed make up. I don't wear make up and the varnish colours where fairly ugly. However, amongst the brown varnishes I found this top coat polish which we all know can be very handy. As it was 99p I thought I'd better not miss out on it!

 How cool is this cupcake? The perfect finishing touch to my kitchen decorations I thought. I've placed it on my windowsill and as you can see it's also a handy little box. I don't think ill use it for anything but maybe a few stray 5p's will find their way in? 

I love bunting. No. I adore bunting! And this is roughly 2 metres for £2.50 from the same lovely old lady at the local market. I love the colour and already have a place in mind. It does have some letters sewn on so I'll unpick them and give it a good iron before pinning it up on my desired spot.

Finally, a couple of very retro and very cool postcards for my collection. I've decided to get some of my favourites (these included) out of my tin and put them in photo frames to display around the house. Watch this space!

I had a great day and am up at the crack of dawn tomorrow to jump in a rather cramped and full to the brim car with my sister and our parents for a 6 hour trip to Keele University. I'm hoping we'll be doing a bit of walking about before coming back to good old Cornwall, I don't escape very often after all! I've packed lunch and baked some cupcakes for the journey so all that's left is to hope the roads and the weather are kind (and I don't get too travel sick sat in the back!)

Have a great weekend what ever you get up to.

Chalkboard Cupboard

I've been making little touch ups to some of my rooms in the house lately and my highest priority has been my kitchen. I've added some new bunting and ornaments and now I've come up with an idea that is really quite popular at the moment. I have created a little chalkboard cupboard for the children to draw on!

As I live in rented accommodation black board paint (and painting the cupboards) are out of the question. So I donned my thinking cap and had a walk around town. I was in my local bargain store when I saw some stick on paper. As luck would have it, it was black board paper! I never even knew it existed so I bought the last roll and headed home.

I placed the roll on the side of my most hideous cupboard (old tenants have done some questionable damage to this house in some places) even having a little spare for the very bottom which just finishes it off I think.

I got out some scraps of felt and some embellishments left over from my wedding, drew around a butterfly biscuit cutter and stuck it all together to make these lovely, colourful butterflies. I think they give the whole design a prettier look!

I'm actually really pleased with the results of this idea. I'm hoping the shop gets some more in stock so I can add to another, smaller cupboard to write the weekly menu on. The children love their new creative space (and Little Man has stopped drawing with crayon on my kitchen floor!) so I'm happy.
What do you think?



I Want...

(It's actually 'I would like' but I'm not going to argue..) I have been tagged by the rather lovely Natalie to give you a list of a few things that I want right now. This very minute. Or something to that effect!

1. Right now I want my poorly Little Man to feel better and my lovely Midge to carry on doing so well at school. They're both growing away like nobodies business and I just want them to carry on being two great, little ,happy characters and preferably for the rest of their lives.

2. I want my husband to PUT SOME DAMN SHELVES UP in my bedroom and bathroom. I am so sick of asking him..would you?

3. I want these:
Russian Doll Measuring Cups
Really sweet russian doll measuring cups. My birthday is coming so.... 

4. I want my first Mug Swap to be a success. I have 22 people in total and all have been e-mailed their partners so here goes!

5. I want husband to lift the sofa so I can retrieve the base coat nail polish that Little Man threw under there a while ago. I would do this myself but I seem to have done my lower back in and don't fancy making it worse!! My nails have been painted so much and without said base coat that they have been dyed ORANGE. Don't worry, it fades. But isn't attractive.

6. I really want some new clothes/money for new clothes. Oh and to loose weight so I can fit into some size 12 jeans again and be less flabby. I may break the Pilate's DVD out tonight if Little Man can refrain from messing his nappy yet again.. *sigh*

I'm sure I could go on but I shall not. Instead, I shall tag three other lovely people:
Kat at Katsighs and

Check them out!


A Colourful Farewell!

Next week my younger sister leaves for university, so we figured it would be nice to throw her a little good luck/goodbye party. I chose to go with a bit of a theme (not entirely) of bright colours. I pinned balloons to my ceiling, made a colourful cake and put my new bunting up which added something really special to the celebration (and makes my kitchen look more 'me' again)

The first thing I wanted to do was to give my sister her gifts. I used the cross from the necklace I found in my local charity store to make a nice, simple necklace for my sister to hang up somewhere instead of wear as she isn't particularly religious but I wanted to give her something which I felt would be nice to have in her room. I like to hold my cross sometimes and I also keep a prayer book which is easier for me these days.
I also gave her a letter writing set slightly different from the one I have bought myself (I just love snail-mail) so when my mail comes through I'll know exactly who has written to me: my lovely little sister!

Now for some party photos!
Little Man actually ran off with the hummus and I found
him eating it off of his hands!

Painstakingly aligned!

Mum's lemon meringue pie-Best. Pie. Ever.
(I made the meringue credit where credits due!)

Vegan Cookies

Gluten/Dairy free multi coloured cake!
So, all in all it was a great day. We had a laugh taking photos (they never did turn out right. We were way too busy having a laughing fit!) My sister loved her gifts including a webcam the rest of the family bought for her so she can keep in contact via Skype while we're all so far away.

So that's it. Come Saturday morning she'll be snoozing in the back of a car with Mum at the wheel and Dad on the map all packed up and ready to start her next chapter. A very good chapter I hope.
Goodluck Issy!

CupcakeMumma x

What A Week!

My my what a week! I'm sure most parents are feeling pretty happy that it's finally Friday (this week has gone so slow for me) I am ready for the weekend! Tomorrow we are having a lovely little party for my sister (whose blog you can check out here) she's off to university next week so I thought we needed to have a little 'send off' for her. I've gone with a 'rainbow' theme. Not so many rainbows included but more like bright colours.

Anyway, for a little re-cap, Midge has just finished her first full week of school and she has loved it. We've had a certificate for settling in so well, made a new best friend who is very quickly becoming like another limb and already been placed 'on the cloud' for leaving class without telling the teacher and then fibbing. I may have to do another post entirely on this subject!

The days have felt pretty long but Midge is already settling in well and her teachers seem pleased with her. She's still pretty stroppy as the evening goes on but hopefully as time goes by her body will get used to these longer days of fun and learning and eventually my little angel (I wish) will return.

Little Man had his first pair of wellies this week (big, blue pirate ones no less) which he just loves to stomp around in. I'll be sure to post those photos up soon. I have managed to get out and do a bit of what I call 'scavenger hunting' this week in my local charity shops and have two items I want to share with you. First is this not so nice necklace (if you like it fair enough but it's not my thing)

Why buy it then? I hear you ask. Well, I'll show  you why I bought it:

Isn't it lovely? I'm going to pop her on some silver chain to wear around my neck. I have wanted an item of jewelry like this for a long time and when I saw this just hanging there added to this chunky necklace I had to have it.
There are also lots of lovely beads I can use to make bracelets and anklets, not mention this beautiful cross which is also on it. 

The second item I wanted to show you is this beautiful teacup I found surrounded by all sorts of ugly mugs (real mugs- not people) I had to have it! My plan is to fill it with wax and make a tea cup candle for my Gran as a Christmas gift. I'm also going to make her some earrings and soap. What do you think?

It's even got a cute tassel!
As for now though I have to get back to baking. So far I've made 3 cakes to sandwich together with thick icing and jam, I let the husband decorate (it is now resembling some sort of creature from Monsters Inc.) but it's creative and after my marzipan disaster I think it looks better to be out on the table!

I've also got a bunch of balloons to blow up and hang from the ceiling (talking of ceilings, my cupcake bunting has been made so that's also going up tonight!)
Hopefully I'll get a chance to blog tomorrow.


Photo A Day September #10

September 10th
Black and White

I was walking along to collect my Midge from school when I just happened to look up and notice something odd on a lamppost. I took a few steps back and upon closer inspection saw this rather cool scorpion carved into it. As I'm a Scorpio I'm rather taken by it.
