
5 Things that make me Happy

I'm joining in late this week with Kate's Listography because I've had a rubbish week so far and I'm not holding my breath for the rest of it. As you can see I have been very quiet on the blogging front lately, I work on the wise words 'If you have nothing nice (or positive) to say then don't say anything at all' I like to think I take this approach in real life so I shall extend it to virtual life as well!

Anyway here are the Top 5 things that make me happy.

1) My family. My 2 babies who drive me mad sometimes, make me cry occasionally but make laugh pretty much all the time are my precious little beans. My Other Half is an amazing Dad and a lovely man to have. I am very blessed I must admit.

2) Thrifty finds. Who doesn't love a bargain or a wonderful find in a charity store/boot sale? I love bragging about my finds a little bit too.

3) Internet. Blogging can make me happy but what makes me happier is seeing my follower totals going up. I am grateful for every new reader I get and that makes me happy. I also love mailing my friends who live too far away to see, playing a bit of Angry Birds on the laptop and of course a bit of Amazon shopping!

4) Getting Away. I like a little hotel break. We go onto Late Rooms and now and then (rarely now) we go off for one night for a cheap stay in a usually more expensive hotel. We do a spot of shopping (charity shops) and exploring towns we never get to explore. I like to have this time with other Half but having the children with me doesn't spoil things at all.

5) Doing something nice. I like being happy for other people. I like making things for other people. I love giving gifts, cards thinking of ways to make life easier for others. Nothing makes me happier than doing a good deed.


  1. Really enjoyed reading this. With regards to the if you can't say something nice thing? I've ranted on todays post, shamelessly! x

    1. Haha i havent read that one yet off to check it out! lol x

  2. I was wandering where you had gone, hope you are ok? Love your list. I forgot to put thrifty finds on my list...they make me happy too x

    1. I am fine :) Just been a hermit! Thank you for your comment, a thrifty find makes happy i should think! x

  3. You can't beat a bargain, that sense that you got a really good deal

  4. doing something nice for someone else - love it x
