
The Dickens Festival 2017

A few weeks ago I travelled up to Kent to visit Mr K and the boys. We like to try to see each other at least once a month and I decided I would travel up to see him this time. We did our usual thing of chilling out, doing some odd jobs around the house and entertaining the boys. They showed me their neighbourhood's Christmas lights which was lovely and they took me to Rochester for its annual Dickens Festival.

Our At Home Christingle

I remember doing Christingle services as a child in our local church. I loved them as a child but it's not something I carried on doing as I grew up nor with my two; we just never felt very at home in our local church so never went back. 

Visiting Father Christmas 2017

The children and I  were looking for something to do last weekend when I came across a post online from a local shop. The quirky little teddy bear store at the top of town, Dylan's Bear Necessities was going to be playing host to a very special visitor!