
Dear So and So

Dear Midge,
Thanks for joining me on my trip last weekend. I loved taking you to the cinema, it was your first time, I'm sure I was the same age or maybe older when I saw my first big screen film. We both laughed and cried at Paddington, you were perfect company. You were right at home in the large park and when you were surrounded by ducks you were over the moon! I got to tell you about all the ducks I kept at my home as a little girl, we really did have ten at one time! I couldn't fault your behaviour, on the train you were really good and when out shopping I was so proud when a lady who served you said you had wonderful manners.
Love you lots,
Mummy xxx

Dear Baba Roo,
(Because you love that name the most) I'm so pleased to be back home with you and Daddy. I'm glad you had a great time together staying at your Aunts with all those cousins! I loved getting a FaceTime off you when I was away and seeing photos of your time at a rugby match! Both Midge and I missed you very much and I know you felt the same
Love you,
Mummy xxx

Dear Tesco
I am loving the new free from section at your stores, even my little local store is finally stocking up! I enjoy your croissants, the chicken nuggets brought me right back to my childhood this evening too. Cone ice creams and sausages have improved my life I can tell you! Food isn't just a way to a mans heart, it's a way to mine to!

From, A Happy Customer!

Dear Baking Skills,

I've not used you for some time but next week I'm baking 50 cupcakes for a wedding and I need baking skills galore! Don't let me down!

The Rusty Cupcake Decorator

Dear Tooth Pain,

Yes I am acknowledging you but I wish you would go away. Ever since having work done I have been in pain, what's worse I am now terrified of the dentist and would really appreciate you, you know, magically healing.

From, Wishful Thinker.

Dear Readers,
Thank you for reading! I had a huge blog related wobble the other night. I'm not sure if I should still be blogging or if I should be scrapbooking our memories and leaving this all behind...Thank you to those who nominated me in the MAD Blog Awards, good luck to everyone. I was nominated in the food category which is very much full of actual food bloggers (I post occasionally) and I'm way out of my league but that doesn't mean I am not over the moon! I was also pleased with my Tots score this month and I don't tend to keep a close watch (just like to stay in the top 500 as it's taken 3 years to get there ha!) So thank you all for reading, commenting and interacting with me on social media.
Yours, Cupcake x

I'd love to read more Dear So and So posts so follow the blog hop, link up your own and check the main host, the lovely Michelle's blog.

Cupcake Mumma

Dear So and So at Mummy from the Heart

Shared Parental Leave

When I had just given birth to my second child, my son Little A, Mr B was there for me in every way possible. It was wonderful to have his support in getting some extra sleep, helping with Midge who was 3 years old at the time and still having sleep troubles, including frequent night terrors. The only thing I wish is that we could have spent even more time together. I know for a fact at the time he wished he could stay to spend more time with his newborn son, to help me in the night (he worked lates and often nights) when Midge would wake and then Little A would wake needing a feed or a nappy change. 

Since April 2015 in the UK the government has put in place Shared Parental Leave, meaning partners can now take time off together (longer than the 2 week paternity leave currently available to fathers and what my Husband had at the time) or they can split the leave allowing their partner or the Father to now spend more quality time with their child(ren) in the first year of their child's life. What's great is that those who adopt now have the same entitlement to shared parental leave as well.

All of this can be very confusing however, which is why GoToMeeting have produced a simple, easy to read and follow info-graphic

Although right now I feel content with my 2 little ones, in the very near future I will be working and who knows what the future brings? I welcome Shared Parental Leave and think it's great. I hope it helps a lot of new parents. What do you think?

Cupcake Mumma

*This post was written in partnership with GoToMeeting*

My Sunday Photo...

Midge was so, so pleased to win a competition recently. Her vouchers came this week and her face was priceless. I'm sure she's got the comping bug now!


Date Day!

Since becoming parents of two lovely children it's been harder and harder to grab some time to ourselves as partners, not just parents. I can't remember the last one Mr B and I had a date night or set aside something decent for during the day. Over the last few months I have made bookings for hotels not too far from home but they have had to be cancelled due to work or other commitments Mr B has made. Last week though Mr B was determined to be the successful date organiser and thinking outside the box (which I'm not so great at because I'm more dine me then take me to a lovely hotel with a massive bed with no kids in and a huge tub I can lie in for an hour..) Mr B did have plans for a nice hot meal in town but first he had something much more spontaneous in mind...

Yep. We went skating baby! Now my Husband is not the smallest man in the world, he's built more like a rugby player and carries a few extra pounds (who doesn't these days!) you'd expect him to be all over the place right? Well I thought he would be but no, I'm yet to find a sport related activity or form of extraordinary exercise that my husband is rubbish at. I was awesome at blading when I was a pre teen so thought I'd be a natural at this 4 wheels on the feet lark. I wasn't, I fell over within 5 minutes, the second time I stacked it so bad I had to hang my head and go and get wrist and knee supports that were oh so wisely offered but turned down by myself. When I returned it took me 15 minutes to fall again, I very nearly had a paddy I can tell you this, there were six year olds' doing better than me! I lasted another 20 minutes I suspect before heading to the slushie machine where we both decided enough was enough. We both had loads of fun, Mr B was really good at skating so was obviously banging on about going again straight after we left the building! He was however squeezing his feet into a pair of size 12 boots when he is a 13 so taking them off was quite a relief to him too! I'll be getting 4's next time, I mean obviously I was so rubbish because I was wearing 5's..... *ah hem*

We mooched around the market but that was a let down so went into the supermarket to explore the free from aisle (it's a habit I have) I got some new bits and some other items I find irresistible like lemon wafers, rice milk chocolate, peanut and coconut cookies and these Nakd salted caramel fruit pieces.

We headed back to town where we both enjoyed a sit down (myself rather gingerly) to eat a nice cooked meal. I stuffed my face with chips, sausage, egg and beans. I wasn't disappointed. We then headed home to enjoy the peace and quiet of the house before the children tumbled in an hour or so later from Grandmas house where they had seen Great Grandma, helped in the garden and popped over to see Pops and play for a bit.

We all had a great day out actually but it was so wonderful to spend that quality time with my husband after not having done properly for a long time. He wants to skating again... I've suggested swimming, cinema and of course a hotel stay but I'm thinking I might not get my way (skating then hotel to ease my pain perhaps?)

When was the last time you enjoyed some me time or time with your partner? What did you get up to? If you're in need of some, I hope you get some soon!

Cupcake Mumma

#Paperhaul Box 5!

This months #Paperhaul box that dropped onto my doormat is a rather retro box of goodies. There are some great colours and patterns featured in this box, the 5th box to be released by #Paperhaul. Every month I wonder what theme will pop through my letter box, this month is not my favourtie I have to admit, I'm more of a vintage gal than a retro one. However, there are several items I really do love and the ones I'm not so fond of can easily be posted on or gifted to someone I know who adores retro/music (you'll see!)

My favourite item in these boxes by far are the washi tapes. Washi tape is quite a pricey item for what it is (in my book anyhow!) and I always look forward to seeing what has been placed in the #Paperhaul box. This months box had a lovely floral pattern, it's gone straight into my sticker and tape box.

I love the gift tags this month; it's hard to not like a rainbow pattern though right?

There are always two cards in a box. This month neither are really something I'd use but I am strangely drawn to the girl on the telephone, it's a really retro image isn't it? 

Mini note cards with a lovely pattern on the front. These always come with their own mini brown envelopes.


These stickers are the first ones I think that haven't had an image on them. They're too big for me to use like the previous stickers I've received in previous boxes, but I think I will cut shapes out of them instead. They're very cleaver stickers in a disco effect which kind of looks a bit 3D.

Scrap papers. I love the apples the most. Again, these will be saved for my scrap book that I'm yet to start!)

Of course I love a postcard and this month there are 3. Only one of these postcards will make it into my proper collection, I'm rather taken with it (below) the other two aren't really me, so I'll have to think hard about who to pass these on to!

Did you receive this months #Paperhaul box? I'd love to know what you thought!

Cupcake Mumma

Dear So and So..

Dear Midge,

Well done on winning a competition for some vouchers, the look on your face was priceless. It was the first one you've ever entered and won and I know you've got a taste for it now! Only 1 more sleep until we venture off - I can't wait!

Love you, Mummy xx


Dear Little A

I'm sorry last week was such a balls up, this week has been better. By some miracle you even slept in your own bed last night woo hoo! (I'm aware this is rare I'm not getting too excited!) I'm going to miss you so, so much this weekend but I know you'll have fun with Daddy and it'll be really good for you both to spend some time together. When I come back, I promise we'll get your hair cut too, it's getting a bit manic!

Love Mumma xx


Dear Sun,

Please don't go! I was so enjoying your warmth then the rain came...then the hail came! Yesterday was beautiful so I'd love some more of that! It doesn't need to be hot (honest, I'm not good with heat anyway) sunny would be good though just keep the mood in a good place!

From, The Lady who Loves the Sunshine.


Dear House,

Clean yourself. #upyourshousework

From, The No Longer Arsed Housewife.


Dear Readers,

Thank-you for reading! Do join the link up at Mummy From the Heart and share your letters this week.

Cupcake Mumma x

Dear So and So at Mummy from the Heart

The Week That Was ~ Week 19 & 20


A very late post but it's always important to me to catch up on the blog about what we have all been up to. Now I obviously can't remember everything that went on 2 weeks ago but I have the most memorable moments to share here. I went on a school trip with Little A's nursery to the woods and it was great fun. I forgot my wellies though which was a bit daft and I missed out on the water fun! We had some lovely weather that week and enjoyed our walks to school. I went out at the beginning of the week with Little A and Mr B before nursery to have a hot chocolate after charity shop bargain hunting. 
On the Thursday I headed out to vote and took Midge with me. At the weekend I watched Mr B play his final game which he won. His family came to watch too so there was a fair few supporters watching him win!

At the weekend we popped round to Mr B's sister's house where we had take out and celebrated his other sisters' birthday with this fabulous cake! 

Last week was mostly spent pottering around at home and getting bits sorted for my trip away with Midge this weekend. I had a large hot chocolate given to me for only £2.70 because the manager needed to finish the milk. That cheered my Monday! This was a tough week with Little A so the weekend was very welcome. I headed off with Mr B to the new local roller rink and it was great fun! I fell over twice hurting my wrist and one last time I totally stacked it- ouch! I've still got bruises on me! After the roller skating we went and had a look at the local market which was a let down so we bought goodies in Tesco from the free from aisle before grabbing a bus back to town where we enjoyed a lovely hot lunch. I had a big plate of chips with sausage and beans, I'm a bit annoyed that it turns out these chips aren't gluten free *boo* luckily I'm only intolerant to it but I prefer to avoid it as I do get quite bloated (worse the more I consume!) it would explain why I always leave Weatherspoons feeling like a whale! I just thought I ate too much! The children had a lovely day with my parents and Gran helping with gardening and going for a walk.

Cupcake Mumma

Lowering the Dose Part 3

So it's been about 4 weeks since I first visited my GP and started my journey to come off my medication for low mood and anxiety. I started by completely lowering the dose and this has been my first week where I have not taken a single tablet. It was decided by both myself and my doctor on Monday that now was as good a time as any to leave the medication behind (based on already missing days on my lowered dose and managing well).

How do I feel? Well it's been challenging that's for sure. I'm not sure how long it takes to start feeling a bit more 'normal' after being on medication for such a long period of time (4 years may not sound long to some people but it really is) I have experienced mood swings and have been quite angry too which isn't nice at all but I'm assured its quite common to feel this way and it won't last for too long. I'll get back to you guys at a later date to let you know how I'm getting on!

I do feel good though. I feel positive that I'm doing the right thing at the right time. Anything that is making me anxious or feel low right now cannot be helped with medication, only positive steps and moving forward. I can't lie, it feels difficult but I know it'll get better. I'm having a tough time with Little A at the moment and its led me to doubt my decision which is nuts because regardless of whether I am on medication or not he can have periods of time that are pretty tough to deal with like most pre schoolers!

I'm hoping in a few weeks I will be used to not relying on the tablets being there when I feel like I need them which is how it has been for months, I really don't need to be on them anymore. I hope I have even more belief in myself and mainly that all these emotions I'm feeling and the bad temper I'm experiencing will have disappeared. I think that's the worse part for me!

* I've been reducing my tablets for anxiety and low mood with advice and support from my GP. If you feel it's time to stop or to lower your medication then I wish you all the best but please seek advice and remember, if you really don't feel right then go back to your GP and talk it through. There are no prizes for struggling through and suffering alone, so do keep talking, be kind to yourself and of course, let me know how you're getting on if you wish to share your thoughts!

Other posts on Lowering the Dose:

Are these posts helpful? Let me know in the comments below.

Cupcake Mumma

Dear So and So

Dear Midge,

I've booked our train tickets and I can't wait to take you for a girly 5 days away to Bath. I hope to show you where I grew up and do some exciting things. I know you're a little worried about your SATS next week but it's nothing to worry about and I'll keep saying it to you until it sinks in! We'll have a great time together; it's long overdue!

Lots of Love
Mumma xxx
Ps You want to start your own blog? We'll talk about it!

Dear Little A

It's been a tough few weeks hasn't it? Mostly we've been good but there's been more than a few days that have you so angry and mummy so sad. Last night as we held eachother sobbing I think I realised I can do better. We will work on our routines,we will find what works just right for you.

Love you with *squeezes*
Mumma xxx

Dear New Government,

I was pretty upset with the result but now I've calmed down I'm neither here nor there. I mean, as a person who cannot help but empathise and feel worried for others you really do scare me. For my own family I kind of worry. I just have to be strong. I will probably do lots of writing, you know, to try to get someone out there to listen. You know I don't like hunting, I really worry about the rise in food banks..I think we as a society can do much more to help the NHS and I hope you don't sell it all off...I'm not sure right now we'd be happy with any particular party, I'm not sure labour would've changed much but I do like to believe they'd look out for the most vulnerable which we've already seen isn't something you've done well at IN a coalition so I worry what the next 5 years will be like for those people.

From Mrs B

Dear People of the world,

Stop hurting eachother. Smile at strangers in the street. Use your voice and power for good. Hold doors open. Chat with the elderly. Make good memories. Empathise with others. Accept situations, change the things you can. People have rights, stop bullying and name calling; what's done is done and most of us do what we believe is right. Hug. Do something random and kind. Share. Be passionate. Forgive. It doesn't mean you forget but it means you can move on.

The not perfect but it doesn't hurt to try Mumma who is feeling disheartened by some of society today.


Dear Hubby,

You won!! You won your cup in football and I'm so proud of you! You keep me going and I know I'm not easy to live with but my goodness I love you and appreciate you! Looking forward to Roller Disco this weekend!!

Hannah xxx
Dear Readers,

Thank you as always for reading my blog and if you follow it, you're amazing, thank you! I've just made a new Facebook page so if you hang out over there give us a like! I'd love some ideas on future blog posts. I don't post so much anymore and really miss it but when I feel tired nothing goes on in my brain (just "I need sleep!") I'm doing another mug swap soon so do let me know if that's something you'd be into!

Cupcake Mumma x

Ten Things to Smile About April

April was a lovely month for us. Sure, Mr B had to do overtime a lot but it's worked out okay and we had to cancel a family holiday to Cambridge for definite because it was just too pricey but again, not so bad really, we can plan some nice things for the children in the summer holidays instead to make up for it! As usual I'm writing up my Ten Reasons to Smile and I've found a new link up at Cornish Mum which you should all check out too.

1) Firstly I enjoyed several Costa's this month. One with both the children over Easter and one just me and Little A before nursery. In order to form better spending habits I didn't set foot in a Costa at all in the last week of April. I've been going too often and wasting money, I'm annoyed at myself! I enjoyed my dates with the children though, we had a lovely time.

2) An impromptu day in the sun watching the children cycle up and down the street was followed by a camp out in the lounge and homemade S'mores (gluten and milk free style!) so tasty and a great night (even if it was one which ended in severe back ache!) 

3) Happy mail from New Zealand! My friend holidayed over there for two weeks and sent me back some snacks and two postcards which was really kind.

4) Plenty of reading. I love picking up books and grabbed some recipe books from the library which I copied recipes from before returning promptly (to avoid charges which I'm oh so good at incurring) I read crime novels which I rarely read (I won't pick up another again for a while, they really get in my head and freak me out but they're so well written and hard to put down. I'm having a break at the moment to enjoy other hobbies but a good book is never far away.)

5) We enjoyed nature on our school walks. The children have found snails, pine cones, different birds and a nest too. It didn't look like there were inhabitants in it anymore but we still walk by quietly just in case.

6) We had a lovely day in Penzance to see my Gran at the beginning of the month. To get out of the house we all took a walk by a river then went paddling for a bit. I had a lovely time with my babies dipping our toes into the water and giggling. A big dinner followed, it was such a nice day.

7) To spend some time with my sister I went to my parents house with Little A. Midge had stayed the night so was already there. We went to the beach and I took some nice photos of my parents hometown. I had a paddle, chased Midge with seaweed and just re-embraced my inner child.

8) Mr B won his football cup! Since this is a late post he has now had his final cup game which they also won! Yippee! He's the one sticking out like a sore thumb in his bright yellow goal keepers kit.

9) Trevithick Day with Midge was a lovely day. I really enjoyed the rides, the cheeky chips and bacon and of course the steam engines. Spending time alone with Midge was obviously great and in May we are off for a break, for 5 days just us girls!

10) Finally a few happy April thoughts to do with the little things. Midges room was done and I'm really pleased with the result. Midge has been doing well in school, going into another phonics group, getting good results on spelling tests and loving her reading. Little A has been continuing to thrive in nursery, he got accepted into the same school as his sister and has been in general much easier (give or take a few days!) to be around.

What made your April a happy month? I'd love to know.

Cupcake Mumma

A Cornish Mum

Trevithick Day 2015

Trevithick Day this year was fab! Midge and I went together for quite a few hours because I thought it would be too much for A (we took him later) we fully embraced the spirit, rain and all! We mooched around then landed in the funfair where I was suitably ripped off on a prize stall but it was her only prize stall! Midge got her prize ( at £3 for one go it was a guaranteed one but she didn't care) then she went on a bouncy castle and we went on a ride together (this was a lot faster than it looked, Midges face changed quicker than ever. I wasn't sure if she was going to cry, panic or chuck up! It was fun though.

We then sought out chips, postcards, a souvenir of the day for Midge (a very pretty head band) candy floss and sweeties then we moved on to the steam engines. As always they were spectacular. We looked at the old cars too, turns out Midge is into all this engine stuff!

We checked out the church as usual where we left prayer messages and viewed the miniature railways. I wanted to get photos because I knew A would miss this bit.

Then we caught musicians and dancers and I signed up for a Cornish language course.

Later we could hear the engines from our back garden and A was so excited we ventured out into the pouring rain to watch the engines journey up Camborne Hill. Then we took him into town to get some candy floss and see the small engines that hadn't left town yet. He is so little still that he doesn't know what he missed, he got to see the engines in their finest bit and it was the first time I'd seen them go up the hill too!

I felt so much pride this year, I'm not sure why. I've lived here now nearly 14 years and I'm pretty loyal to Cornwall, I don't see myself ever leaving and if I could I'd certainly put myself down as Cornish. I have another many years before I can do that down here though ha!

Cupcake Mumma

Weigh, Lose or Stay ~ Week 2

I was really pleased with myself this week! I've eaten really well (bar the fairy cakes I inhaled and the generous handful of fruit pastilles I ate) I'm not one for ruling things out. You put rules on me like that and I'm eating the whole of Tesco you know what I mean?

Anyway, I concentrated on my food last week and I'm so pleased to have found a new love of adding good things to my breakfasts and trying a couple of new recipes too. I even had a smoothie this week (which looked like vomit so I spared Instagram that image) it did however taste delicious!

Exercise was always going be an unlikely event last week, mainly because I've been PMS'ing and looking about 4 months pregnant, although the good food has helped enormously! I haven't indulged in junk food (bar the above mentioned) so the evil mood and bloating hasn't lasted as long as usual. 

So this week is about continuing my good eating progress and putting some working out into my daily routine. I have the time and hopefully feel like I have more energy. It'll be very simple. I've finally accepted this has to be a slow process for me, I mustn't expect fast results and get fed up and binge as a consequence.

I've not done any measurements, I can't be bothered right now to be honest, I'm kind of going by how I feel and look rather than numbers! I shall post week 3 on Friday! I'm also linking up with Fitness Tuesday with Fitness4Mamas!

If you're trying to lose weight or keep yourself healthy, head to Laura's blog where I look forward to reading and commenting!

Cupcake Mumma

Weigh, Lose or Stay - Laura's Lovely Blog

Fitness 4 Mamas

Dear So and So

Dear Nursery,

Thanks for letting me hang out today with some of the class and a few other mums on your trip to the woods. I know I volunteered but it's still great to feel useful and have fun with the children. I enjoyed helping them splash in the river, talking to a quiet little one and felt really positive when I could see she wasn't happy being wet and soggy, we picked flowers instead, it was lovely. I look forward to Monday!

Mrs Brooker

Dear Little A,

I wish you could slow down a bit. Having spent time around your classmates today I can see how far you've come, you speak better now than you ever did before and I'm so proud! People said to me "oh when he starts talking you'll just want him to stop," something said in jest was quite offensive to me and I still feel the same, communicating with you is easier than it's ever been, I'm so pleased, never stop talking to me!

Love you Baba Roo
Mumma xxxx

Dear Hubby

Thank you for my breakfast in bed this morning. You surprised me despite just having done a night shift. I really did love my surprise. Thank you.

Love Hannah xxxx

Dear Costa,

Sooo it's been 9 days since I popped in to see you. Finally I can say I don't miss my weekly Costa! I will still drop in, I love the hot chocolates and I love the staff in store so I could never stay away. I just can't come as often as I used to. It's not you, it's me (okay it's a little you, I mean you're not cheap are you?) but I will totally fix up a time to pop by one day. Maybe..

Ex Costa addict

Dear Readers,

Thank you for reading as always, I've loved the increase in comments on the blog recently, it's really made me smile.
Why not pop along and read what the lovely Michelle has written this week at Mummy From the Heart? I'm really pleased Michelle has brought Dear So and So back, it was a fun link up for me when I first started blogging 4 years ago (phew!)

Cupcake Mumma x

The Week That Was ~ Week 18

Wow week 18 and already May? I feel we're going at a good pace but still it's scary how the days just zoom by. I really haven't done much this week, or maybe it feels like that because, shock horror, I've had a big fat zero in Costa outings this week! It's more about forming better spending habits than anything else but as I'm trying to be healthier I know that not having Costa with cake two to three times a week is going to help!

I decided on Monday to finish Midges room which, with the help of my mum (after I begged her to come over!) was finished by the end of the day. Midge loves her new room with the stickers and all her belongings now in a safe place or on show. I was really pleased all the hard work paid off!

Healthy breakfasts// New room for Midge// Purple flowers!// Lovely filling dinner// Cornish flag flying on a lovely sunny day

The rest of my week was heavily focused on food because I've been eating healthier I've been cooking decent meals every night. We baked fairy cakes several times this week including some special ones in honour of the new Princess born on Saturday. We watched some live coverage with my mum as we ate dinner and the children really enjoyed it.

The weather took a turn this week, we probably enjoyed three non wet school runs. I had a trip to the library with Little A, he picked out a book on sharks and sat with a friend before choosing a book for his big sister which he actually got spot on. She was over the moon! Other than that I made myself useful with housework, catching up on my pen pal writing and volunteering for trips with the nursery! That should be fun!

A at the library// Grumpy boy with his happy big sister// Letter posting// Patriotic baking// Watching the news// Happy celebrating!

Cupcake Mumma


My Mini Royalists

I have no shame in loving our Royal Family. I don't know loads about them no, but I like to read the history of our royals and our present day ones are pretty wonderful. Unless you've been determined to miss it, you should know that we have now another member of our royal family in the form of Prince William and Princess Kate's little girl (name as yet unknown!)

As soon as we heard that the little Princess had been delivered we got decorating a few cupcakes to eat in celebration! My two were obviously happy with this. They chose not to be as patriotic as me!

With their marshmallow cupcakes

 My more patriotic offering..

Then a few hours later we watched the hospital doors open and reveal the gorgeous new mum Kate with her daughter and husband proudly waving to the crowd (kudos to the Duchess, I wanted to stay in my shower then sit on my sofa!) both of my children were so happy to see the new princess. Midge asked questions, Little A kept shouting 'let them go home!' 'Come to my house!' Then they clapped when the couple turned to re-enter the building.

I love that my two shared their happiness and joy with me today. There is so much to be sad, bitter and fed up with that to just rejoice as a country is such a wonderful thing and I'm pleased my two were as excited as me: their shameless royal-family-loving Mother!

Did you watch any of the coverage today or follow online? Any guesses on a name!?

Cupcake Mumma