
Free From Vegan Cheesecake- You Have To Try!

Even if you're not vegan or free from anything that might make your tummy a bit grumpy (or pretty ill in my case) I still recommend you give this really easy cheesecake a go. It's super quick, super tasty and really good for you!

The Gallery Extreme Close Up

Sat in Wetherspoons someone's finished beverage caught my photo taking eye. I quite like it.

What have you snapped this week for The Gallery?

Finding Old Photos...

I have 2 cameras. One is a simple point and shoot little slip of a thing which I love and was given to me by Other Half for Christmas last year. The other one is my Fuji Film SLR which I was given shortly after Little Man was born. I love to take photos and the other day I went out with Other Half and Little Man for lunch. On the way home I decided to slip into the Church to take some photos of the graveyard which looks really pretty in the spring.

I turned on my camera to find I had only gone and left my SD card at home and in my laptop from the previous night uploading pictures! I really hate it when I do this because there is a real limit on the internal memory of a camera so I was forced to be very selective with my photography that afternoon!

I've just sat down to upload yesterdays photos and I was really happy when I saw some very old photos pop up on my screen. I thought I'd show you these few photos I have found that made me smile after a bit of a long day.

Little Man would've been about a few months old here. He has changed so much already.

Cupcake Mumma

I Spy...

This weeks 'I Spy..' is D. If you want to join in please link up with the lovely Mum Of One!

I Spy With My Little Eye Something Beginning With D.....

On closer inspection there is a couple there but I'm looking for a certain one!

Mum of One

Top 5 Beauty Products!

This weeks Listography is to list our top 5 beauty products. Mine is nothing like the other blog posts I've seen this week and that's because I don't really wear make up! Anything looks orange on me so I live with those pesky eye bags (that don't really get hidden in my opinion anyway!).

1) Vaseline

I love this stuff it's great for many things. Okay so it's not great stuff (check they ingredients) but hey, my lips always feel great, it doesn't cost me an arm and a leg and a bit on the eyelids also makes them look pretty!

2) Lacoste Hand Cream

I love Lacoste products they smell so, so nice. In 2010 Other Half got me the perfume and I fell in love with it. For Christmas 2011 I got the whole set and I love the handcream. A little goes a long way and my hands smell divine.

3) Stargazer Pink Nail Polish

Yes it has to be pink! I love having pink toes and sometimes i'll paint my finger nails the same colour which is awfuly pretty. Superdrug sells this cheap nail polish but even though it's cheap it isn't total crap. Does it last as long as more pricey brands? Okay no but I still like it!

4) Eye lash curlers

Not essentially a beauty product in terms of something I can cover myself or make myself feel lovely with but I have really long eye lashes so eye curlers are the number one for me when I feel like feeling a bit better about myself and brightening my eyes up. It surprises me how big my eyes can look...I have a Cosmopolitan eyelash curler but I'm open to recommendations please!

 5) Nivea body cream

I have a tiny little tub I use on my face when it feels dry. Wonderful stuff!

Check out Kate Takes 5 for more beauty products!

Review: Photocards For Easter:

I love photo sites. In fact today I just had some more prints come through for me to hang up on my wall. I spend ages uploading my photos and choosing what I want to do with them. Recently I was contacted by Bonusprint who offered me a voucher to buy some Easter cards.

For all the ordering I do on photo sites I had never even thought of putting my photos onto cards for my friends and relatives for those special occasions and I'm not sure why because if you want something unique and different from the rest of them then creating your own card with your favourite photo on is the ultimate in unique. It's something that people will tend to keep instead of recycle when said special occasion is over and done with.

Creating and ordering on Bonusprint was a really easy process and pretty quick too (once you know which adorable photo to choose anyway!) I chose a blank card which meant I could use their online tools to write whatever I wanted inside. I simply chose to go with 'Happy Easter' because Little Miss can add anything she wants with my help and Little Man can add the odd scribble!

When I received my order I was happy with the packaging. My cards came pre folded but laid flat securely in the box with 2 large, plain envelopes for posting.

The picture quality is brilliant and the card is a larger size than I thought it would be which is great.

Very basic but gives my 2 the opportunity to draw some artwork for their loved ones!

Overall I am a happy customer and would recommend this site to anyone who fancies something a bit different for Easter.

* You can make personalised greeting cards for just 55p on Bonusprint
* I was given a voucher to review this product but all views are my own and honest, as always.

Cupcake Mumma 

Project 366 19th-25th

March 19th 2012
Mums Mothers Day gift. I didn't get to see her on Sunday so had to make do with Monday.
March 20th 2012
Little Man trying to work my Blackberry!
March 21st 2012
My wedding shoes! Arrived in the afternoon very happy bride to be!
March 22nd 2012

My gorgeous man's little feet. I have ordered this in a large print that i am going to frame and proudly display.
March 23rd 2012
We had lunch at Wetherspoons which was really nice. Little Miss was in nursery which was a shame but Other Half and I got some quality time with Little Man which is also nice.
March 24th 2012
My Mums hair trial for the wedding went well. It looks promising so far!
March 25th 2012
A and Grandma 
TheBoyandMe's 366 Linky

Wedding Prep- 5 Months To Go!

And so it begins!
Today I had a hair trial for my wedding day with my sister and my Mum. My Mums friend is kindly doing all of our hair which is so nice of her and with what we have come up with today i am super excited! I did take photos, but I won't be placing them up on here after having second thoughts! However, I have found the style I love, very simple, pretty and elegant which matches my whole idea from the tiara to the shoes!

My Mum was also pleased with her hair trial and all she needs now is to find a lovely comb to slip into her hair to finish it off beautifully.

My sister chose a nice style which suits her well too. Again, she didn't want it shown off just yet so I went for a prep photo which she won't be pleased to see. Good job she doesn't read this then!

In the middle of back combing
My hair was back combed to high heaven, smoothed out and then pinned like I couldn't believe. Apparently this is only the beginning of pinning, combing and hair spraying. I think I used half a can of hair spray on my locks but I think on the wedding day my hairdresser friend has said there is more than where that came from! 

Now on to shoes! My shoes and my bouquet arrived on the same day! That was terribly exciting as you can imagine. Here, my lovely readers, is a photo of my lovely shoes. My sister will also be getting a pair for her dress. They're quite a bargain at just under £20 (cheap when you look at 'wedding' shoes online) so thanks Amazon!

My theme is roses so I am so pleased I found these online by an off chance. They're ivory and match my dress perfectly. I'll be adding a touch of sparkle in the way of flower pins to my bouquet as it isn't quite 'sparkly' enough for me. It's a beautiful bouquet and also a gift from my Uncle which makes it even more special. I'm so grateful to everybody who is making a contribution.

Still to do:
* Bridesmaids shoes need to be found and bought- I'm really struggling to find something I like
* Rings! I'm having recurring nightmares of not having the rings so I need to buy my rings asap!
* Some very nice underwear *wink wink*
* I need to get something 'blue' and something 'borrowed'
* Button Holes need to be made. My sister-in-law to be and myself are making some guest ones
* Discuss the buffet selection 
* Consider my reception decoration. I know I want balloon decorations so need to sort this out
* Design my center pieces (giant cupcakes!)
* Find some entertainment! A big worry for me right now!!
* Hand out the final invites to local friends
* Book appointment for Other Half and his Best Man to sort their suit preferences
* I also need to get some thank you gifts as well

I'm sure there is a few more things, and I do have them written down but if you think of anything please let me know! Don't let me forget the small things!

Right, I hope I haven't bored anybody, if you've got this far well done you! I purposely write staggered posts on my wedding prep because even I get bored of weddings and this is my own!

Anyone else planning a wedding? Their own or helping a friend? Let me know how you're getting on!

Cupcake Mumma x


I like it. Who doesn't? Recently however I am either having too little or too much. 'Too much?!' I hear you cry/weep/shout...Yes, too bloody much! If I go to bed at a stupid hour i'll convince Other Half to let me lay in (he's nice like that..sometimes) and catch up a bit. Only this seems to wear off after a few hours when I hit a real slump in the middle of the day. Nothing picks me up, only another nap..Another bloody nap! I don't usually go for this nap, very rarely if i'm honest after all that would be very unfair on Other Half who actually does have a job at a factory to go to.

Oh dear. Now i'm not coming across well at all am i?

I have bags under my eyes that are the size of 2 small islands and I'm a bit snappy. Okay i'm pretty snappy but I do try to control myself (when hormones aren't in charge of course) and I quite frankly cannot be arsed to do anything! 

When I was a teenager I actually didn't take advantage of all this lay in business (now I feel a fool) and it would appear that I'm having some what of a mid twenties crisis allowing hormones to run wild, having late nights watching TV and larking about on Twitter (to name one) when I should surly be tucked up with a hot chocolate turning lights out at a reasonable hour....All Mum like and that you know?

Okay that's never going to happen but if there's anyone out there with a boot big enough come and kick my arse won't you? Little Miss is starting school this September and I don't think sleeping in until 8.00am will get me to the school gates with her and Little Man in time for 9.00am do you?

Cupcake Mumma

ps. Other Half has his fair share of lay ins too!

Snap Slappers!

Ah, Snap Slappers I apologise, the news of Picnik closing hit me hard. I'm one of those who once actually manages to work a site struggles to come to terms with the fact I'll have to learn all over again. However, I'm still using Picnik to add text to my photos on my blog so I thought this week I'd go and join in with Five Go Blogging and her meme:

This is why I love my son...

Well one of the reasons. It's not even my birthday!

Five Go Blogging Snap Slappers

My Reasons To Be Cheerful:

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy from the Heart

How wonderful to start your day off thinking of all the things that are good in your life. Here are my Reasons To Be Cheerful for this week hosted by the lovely Michelle from Mummy From The Heart. Please click the badge above to be taken to her blog and join in.

1. I was pretty gutted the other day when i noticed I had lost a follower but I'm really happy this morning to see that I have gained 2! I know it'll happen but that doesn't mean you don't feel a bit pants when someone isn't into your blog anymore. Hello new follows, hope Cupcake Mumma doesn't disappoint.

2. I have a couple of lovely items to review recently. I did my first review the other week which seemed to go down well and I have another 2 to do. Reviews for me will be few and far between but I enjoy doing them which makes me happy.

3. I had my bouquet and wedding shoes arrive on the same day. Excitement overload much? My new shoes are very pretty, and my bouquet is gorgeous. Some things are still in the air which makes you a bit jittery but overall I feel quite happy about everything.

4. Other Half has been made permanent at work. He has also got his moped and passed his CBT so now he leaves later and gets home a tiny bit earlier which is always nice!

5. Finally, Little Man is really trying to hold his own with standing up and walking. Making me very proud!

Have a lovely day
Cupcake Mumma

I'm not Busy, I'm Lazy...

I've been thinking about this blog. I read lots of blogs every single day because I truly love every blog I follow and I'm always loving what everybody seems to get up to every day or week.
I haven't been blogging too much recently (unless you count a meme which bores most readers to death I would imagine) I have realised this is because I actually don't 'do' anything.

My poor children. They don't go to toddler groups or fun little sessions. Mummy isn't brave enough at the moment. What a lame excuse. Truth be told right now I much prefer to sit on my backside only getting up and going out for the absolute necessary.

There isn't anything wrong. Nothing at all. I do this, it runs in the family I think, periods of just sitting there thinking about anything and everything until it completely overwhelms you and you just sink down feeling like crap for no real reason at all.

I'm finding it difficult to manage the time in my life. I want to do some photography. I'm planning on teaching myself the art of photography (the essential need-to-know basics, the rest is what's behind the camera I believe) as I have no hope of going on a course. They're not too pricey for what they teach but they are all in the evenings and they are not near me!

I also still have studies going on with my massage course. I'm doing a home study but never seem to have time in the day to get down to this. In the evening I just want to sit there and try to relax whilst going up and down the stairs feeling pretty tired as the evening goes on!

I also know there are more important things that need looking at. I need to sort my diet because I am not feeling very well at the moment and my diet, coupled with my lack of water intake is making feel a little bit crap. Why I don't address this straight away I don't know..Laziness? I also want exercise in my life, I have a mummy tummy to sort out and some weight on my hips to shift otherwise that old wedding dress will be too tight!

So I'm off to try and figure out things..alright I'll have breakfast and play with the monkeys first then get down to the nitty gritty!

Cupcake Mumma

5 Reasons I know i'm a...

For this weeks Listography Kate has left it sort of open for us. The title is 'The 5 Reasons I Know I'm a...' I was going to do this the other night but I was feeling a bit miserable so all I could think of was silly, negative things so I put it down to come back to later.

So here is later and here is my 5 reasons I know I'm a slightly....Obsessive Compulsive...

1. I have my food cupboard 'just so'. Labels face forward and even Other Half is scared to go in there!

2. I place items in my bathroom in height order

3. I really, really like to cross the crossing before the green man disappears and the sound stops. If it doesn't happen that's okay, but I feel some what successful if I can do this!

4. The kitchen should be the cleanest place in my home. I am a big kitchen wiper..Always wiping those tops me!

5. Finally, at night when I read to my Little Miss sometimes I'm so tired I want to skip a page or two but I simply cannot do it, it feels very wrong and almost 'naughty!!'

Alright so I'm a little obsessive compulsive (or a bit weird) but I'm quite happy! Have a look at Kate Takes 5 to see everyone else's contribution to this weeks Listography.

Cupcake Mumma

Mothers Day

Other Half isn't here today as he's taking his bike test. This will be great as he'll be home earlier from work and we'll get to have a family dinner round the table before he leaves like we used to. He'll be home at 4pm so it isn't too bad. Besides, it's Mothers Day and I am here with my 2 babies whom I adore. I got a giant card this morning in bed, a cute keyring, a retro tea towel (I asked for it!) and a nice little wall hanging, i just need to find a place for it now which shouldn't be too hard.

There's just one thing. I miss my Mum. This is the first time in my life I have not been with my Mum on Mothers Day. I always loved making gifts when I was younger and creating cards at school, hiding them rather pathetically and then surprising her on Sunday morning with a breakfast in bed. As I grew up the breakfasts got bigger and better, my card making got a little more better and I was able to buy her some beautiful gifts.

This time I have bought her a lovely gift which I know she will absolutely love. I don't make cards anymore but I still write a soppy something on the blank side which almost makes her cry if not blub a bit on my shoulder! I couldn't see her today because she is working, no ones fault at all but I feel like it's not right. I'll get to see her tomorrow and give her my carefully thought up gift from all of us. I know she'll love it.

My Mum used to think she was not a good Mum because she had a daughter that got pregnant at 17. Well, that wasn't her fault. My Mum has been there so much for me and my siblings, just like a Mother should. I can't wait to see her tomorrow and tell her how much I love her and how much more time we need to spend together. I want memories to treasure. So many more memories.

Love you Mum x

Project 366 March 12th-18th

March 12th 2012
My beautiful niece on Monday. It's so lovely having a nice cuddle with her especially now she's bright and beady eyed!

March 13th 2012
As we spent another day together it seemed rude not to take more photos! 

March 14th 2012
74 /366

March 15th 2012
75 /366
New purse. I am in love. Nuff said.

March 16th 2012
76 /366
Postcard from a family member who visited Poland. Doesn't need anymore words I don't think.

March 17th 2012
I started my Pinnaddicts Challenge at last!
March 18th 2012
78 /366
Saturn and Jupiter last night, they're very close to Earth at the moment.

TheBoyandMe's 366 Linky

Dear So and So..

Dear Little Miss,
Please STOP whinging it is driving me INSANE. I do love you so very, very much but you seem to have acquired that awful whiny voice from somewhere (don't look at me). Please for love of all things good JUST STOP WHINGING!
Love, Mum xxx

Dear Tooth/Gum,
You are evil and I hate you. Stupid wisdom tooth how dare you impact on my gum I am in so much pain! You had to hurt even more when you heard about the dental wait didn't you? Just be kind to me today please I have until 3pm then we may be going our separate ways for good!
From, The one who wants her healthy, happy gums back!

Dear Dentist,
I know we haven't met yet, and please don't take this personally but I don't like you. I don't want to see you but I have to. I hope you're nice and don't poke me when I say 'Ow' or tell me how wonky my teeth are. I just want you to fix me and then I can go...
From, The Wuss.

Dear Readers,
Please have a lovely weekend and I hope your week has been good. Mummy's- have a good Mothers Day, hope you get lots of hugs, kisses and spoilt rotten. I'll be spending Mothers Day with my mother in law and my 2 babies as Other Half is taking his CBT that day!

Pop on over to Kat at 3 Bedroom Bungalow to see more posts this week for Dear So and So...and to read about her very mischievous cat Cheeto Bandito!

Cupcake Mumma

52 Weeks to an Organised Home: Coupons and Post

52 Week Organized Home Challenge
Another challenge on my list is to sort out my coupons. This isn't too difficult becasue I don't have many. My printer isn't working so I can't print out any vouchers and most of the vouchers that come through my door are completely useless to me.

However, I do have my Tesco vouchers and the odd coupon I do keep hold of. I used to keep my coupons in my files but found I forgot about them, out of sight out of mind after all! So now I pin them to my pin board in the kitchen where walk past them all the time so I'll never forget to use them!

Another thing is to make sure you pop some in your purse. I have a few compartments in my purse where my coupons (mainly supermarket ones) keep nicely and don't get mixed up with my cash or coins- that's just annoying.

Now, I tackled another task at the same time seeming as though the coupon one didn't require much effort! I have been bogged down by my mail for a long time. It's on the dinner table, it's near the DVD units, it's on the bookshelf heading towards the file where it should be stored neatly and organised...yeah right!

Until tonight that is. I got out my folder and gathered my post, sat in the front room with a cookie and made a concentrated effort to well, concentrate! Now my bills, bank statements etc are in their correct wallets in my folder and not laying about where I don't want them or need them. I also won't loose anything of importance!

I have also made myself a little postal box to go by the front door. if the postie comes and I am in a hurry then I can pop my post into the box and open it later. I can keep mail there that doesn't need to be moved just at that moment and I feel a whole lot more organised!

52 Weeks to an Organised Home: Recipes.

The next challenge on 52 Weeks to an Organised Home is to sort out my recipe books. I don't have a lot of recipe books but I had enough to making my upstairs bookshelf look overcrowded and squashed.

The first thing I did was to look through my books. I looked at the ones I use, the ones I never seem to use and then the ones that are not even mine in the first place! There were several that belonged to my  Mum so I popped them into a bag with some other bits I needed to return to her.
After that I placed the ones I never used into my big charity sack leaving me with a small pile of books.

Now, I had been wanting a shelf put up in my kitchen for weeks but the Other Half had been doing so much overtime (and is a lazy old so and so) that eventually I just put it up myself!
So, I now had a shelf for my smaller books which isn't a lot but as it goes (and luckily) it's the smaller books I use most often so they are now sat on my shelf which I finished off nicely with some homemade bunting, a postcard of cupcakes and my pink cat:

I do have a few more books on there!

My other books, now nicely slimmed down to a more sensible amount could be moved after I also donated some children's books we never read anymore. Once I had done that there was a whole spare space for my recipe books. Hooray! No more squashed paper backs!

Cupcake Mumma.

A Yummy Tea Party

I did my bit last weekend for Yummy Mummy Week and stayed up late Saturday night baking some cakes for a little tea party at my Mums house on the Sunday afternoon.

After a late night Little Miss got me up early so we could start making the butter icing. I chose pink (well done if you guessed before I got that far) and Little Miss went for orange which was a nice change. After all the cakes were iced we packed them all up to head over to my Mum and Dads house.

It was a nice afternoon, all my family were there, Other Half came with both children, my Gran came over as well as 2 of my Mum's friends. The cakes were very tasty and I baked flap jacks for a little something extra. Mum made some rather tasty dairy and gluten free chocolate muffins- they went down well!

With the left over cakes Mum took them into work yesterday to sell for a few pennies. I've managed to raise £23,00 from a small gathering and Other Half is adding a ten pound to that before I make the payments to Clic Sargent. It may not be much but thanks to those who bought a cake. It adds to the much needed funds for a very good charity.

Cupcake Mumma

Now I'm a Happy Cupcake Mumma

The children are in bed, I am snuggled on the sofa under my duvet and I am watching a Friends DVD which has taken me forever to find (series 4 the hardest to get hold of)I do have a rather sore gum which may or may not be down to an abscess which will definitely have to be my top priority tomorrow to sort out. abscess
I've had a lovely day spent with Other Half and my Little Man. Little Miss was with us for half the day before she had to go to nursery. We were joined early by my sister in law and her 3 lovely children (also affectionately known as 'The Tribe' when all four of them are together!) I had so many baby snuggles it was just lovely, I'm not sure if my niece was so keen I got a lot of funny faces..lets pretend it was just gas okay?

It was nice to have all the children over and playing together, none of them are any bother at all which is nice, not a lot of bickering which is always lovely! I dropped Little Miss off to school leaving Other Half with Little Man and his 3 cousins. I was pleasantly surprised to not see him rocking back and fourth in the middle of them rooms surrounded by 2 crazed twins and a screaming baby! Turns out he's more than capable but that doesn't mean I'm allowing my uterus to be open for occupancy anytime soon!

It was a mini mission later on to get everyone ready for the school run but once there I got to see my Nephew ride his bike for the first time. He has taught himself to ride his bike and couldn't wait to join in with the school's Bike To School Week which I think is a good idea. I think he really did it for the free breakfast more than anything!

I'll leave you now with some photos of my day. It was a lovey one.

Little Miss and Daddy on the moped

Uncle Jay showing his niece how to ride a bike!

One of many beautiful shots I took today

Cupcake Mumma x

Project 366 March 5th- 11th

March 5th 2012
Little Miss had her first report card home, we were very pleased but did laugh at '*Little Miss* knows her rights and stands up for herself'! Good on her I say!

March 6th 2012
You'll see this on a later post. I tidied my post area so now I don't have it lying around everywhere!

March 7th 2012

We baked some rather yummy cakes this week the Little Miss and I. 
I coloured the sugar myself, much cheaper!

March 8th 2012
Some lovely flowers for my Wednesday morning and my favourite colour.

March 9th 2012
A selection of goodies for Little Miss to take to her friends birthday party

March 10th 2012
Pirate! With her No Sew Tutu

March 11th 2012
Ready to collect the pennies from fundraising for Clic Sergents Do Something Week

TheBoyandMe's 366 Linky